Common Dreams: States Settle for…a Poke in the Eye
States Settle for…a Poke in the Eye “The $26 billion settlement that state authorities wrangled out of the nation’s five biggest banks amounts to peanuts compared to the damage that was done to homeowners across the country.”
Australian rapper – Occupy concept album
Australian rapper Potential has released his debut mixtape which is inspired by and dedicated to the Occupy movement. Each track relates to real current affairs such as the Arab Spring, the Occupy protests, the tension between Islam and the West, media empire bias, slavery and racism. I want to try open the eyes of Generation…
King County Dems Legislative Action Day: Feb 20th
We are more than halfway through the short 60-day election-year legislative session, which is scheduled to end March 8th. Whether or not the Legislature will close the $1.4 billion budget gap, and put us on a more sustainable trajectory, is a tossup. Clearly, it’s time to trek to Olympia and make our opinions known, especially…
Ex-Reagan Economist Bruce Bartlett on Where the Right Went Wrong
Quoting from the video page: (In this Moyers & Company segment, Bill Moyers talks with conservative economist Bruce Bartlett, who wrote “the bible†for the Reagan Revolution, worked on domestic policy for the Reagan White House, and served as a top treasury official under the first President Bush. Now he’s a heretic in the conservative circles where he…
Google news has misleading summary for article about Obama's contraception policy
CBS News published an informative article, Q&A: Obama and the birth control controversy, that dispels some myths about the abortion care coverage required by Obama’s plan. As the article says: Q: Was the Obama administration going to require churches to cover birth control? A: No, churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship were not…
Link: WA Senate passes bill to rein in tax breaks
The Seattle P-I reports that the WA Senate passes bill to rein in tax breaks “Approved by a 45-3 margin Saturday, the measure would put five-year sunsets on all new and extended tax breaks unless otherwise specified.” Note that it doesn’t affect existing tax breaks. I’m curious to hear the details.
Black Bloc 101
Chris Hedges made a few waves with his recent piece describing the black bloc as the cancer in occupy. I believe in diversity. I think diversity is a fundamental natural law of the universe. But I understand that human beings have a tidiness gene that makes us think that we can organize and be more…
The myth that the Dems are as bad as the Repugs
[Yesterday I posted to OpEdNews the article copied below. Contributors to and readers of OpEdNews tend to be quite progressive or socialist. Many of them refuse to support the Democratic Party, saying that it’s as bad as (or worse than) the Republicans.  You can read comments on my article (155 comments at the time of…
Watkins withdraws, supports Koster in 1st CD, avoiding a GOP primary battle
http://www.watkinsforcongress.com/ Watkins appeared at the MDC candidates forum a couple of weeks ago in Seattle, as I discussed here: Darcy Burner and Roger Goodman shine at MDC candidates forum. Watkins likes to chat with me — he gave me a ride once — and I’m going to try to meet with him to understand how…
Paul Cienfuegos Workshops in Shelton, February 11th
Paul Cienfuegos is back with us to discuss the history of corporate rights and the community rights movement that has sprung up in response to unfettered corporate power. Many folks were with us last November for an introductory workshop. If you want to take part in the advanced workshop tomorrow, show up at 3 pm…