Ask the Right Question
Caught this on Juan Cole’s Informed Comment this morning.
NSA Documents Reveal Bush Administration Ignored Al Qaeda Threat
“Many of the documents publicize for the first time what was first made clear in the 9/11 Commission: The White House received a truly remarkable amount of warnings that al-Qaida was trying to attack the United States. From June to September 2001, a full seven CIA Senior Intelligence Briefs detailed that attacks were imminent, an…
Rocky Anderson – Rule of Law (High Road for Human Rights)
A great lecture on the rule of law.
The ugly origin of the war on drugs
After serving his time federal prison, John Ehrlichman granted an interview to author Dan Baum, who reports that Ehrlichman explained the origin of the war on drugs this way: The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar Left, and black people. You understand what I’m saying?…
Actual Accenture voter list software
I have found and posted the actual voter list software used widely throughout the USA (TN, WI, PA, CO, KS…) for Accenture voter registration and voter histories. I located the files on a magnetic backup tape of the hard drive of a county elections IT employee, part of a 120-gig set of discovery files. The…
How Obama Frames Issues to Help Romney
Obama vs. Romney: The Framing Matchup, Round One Where Romney talks morality (conservative style), Obama mainly talks policy. Where Romney reframes Obama, Obama does not reframe Romney. In fact, he reinforces Romney’s frames in the first part of his speech by repeating Romney’s language word for word – without spelling out his own values explicitly.…
The Progressive Commentary Hour interviews Rocky Anderson
Three of the top third-party candidates who are challenging the entrenched duopoly – Jill Stein (Green Party), Rocky Anderson (Justice Party) and Judge Jim Gray (Libertarian Party) — gather together to find common ground and purpose, on The Progressive Commentary Hour with Gary Null. Plus, PRN’s own Harvey Wassermanjoins in to talk about the environmental issues he wants to see…
Catholic on Catholic civil war brewing
“A house doesn’t have to fall on my head to tell me a battle royal is brewing within the Catholic Church over the conservative hierarchy’s heavy-handed efforts to clamp down on dissenting Catholic voices. Not when a prominent American nun comes “this close†to calling the present Church leadership a bunch of brown-frocked fascists. Or…
Setting the Record Straight
Apparently by Jay Branscomb.