Right wing website Newsmax suppresses embarrassing survey results about Medicare
Right wing website Newsmax held a survey in which they asked whether to cut Medicare. Respondents overwhelmingly responded, No, don’t cut Medicare. So Newsmax removed those results and replaced them with results of a question founded upon a lie. Below are the original results (copied from here). First they asked a question about cutting the…
GOP loses popular vote in House, wins seats via gerrymandering
Analysis from Princeton finds GOP kept control of House but lost popular vote
C.P.D.O.: a new way for banks to gamble with your money
Just when you think you’ve seen the height of Wall Street’s folly and corruption, a new level of reckless plunder emerges from the ooze. In 2006 ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, invented a new way for huge money barons to invest (gamble) their (our) millions. It’s called a C.P.D.O, or constant proportion debt obligation. A…
Socialism and sex
Democrats flirt with Socialism. Progressives neck with Socialism. Only Socialists go all the way. (BTW, I’m not a Socialist, but I wrote that because I thought the metaphor is cool.)
Pat Robertson's Extremist Fantasies
“(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” “I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship…
If words have any meaning, charter schools are unconstitutional
The point of charter schools is to provide an alternative to standard public schools. As the text of I-1024 says, public charter schools are “independently managed public schools operated only by qualified nonprofit organizations.” Furthermore, Part I, Section 101 says: Public charter schools free teachers and principals from burdensome regulations that limit other public schools,…
Weapons of Mass Distraction – The Post US Election Blues
Now that President Barack Obama has been declared winner of the US presidential election, a sigh of relief has gone out throughout the land among Democrats and many progressives. The media scenario currently being promoted states that Obama is representing the middle class while Republican Mitt Romney is simply a stand-in for Wall Street bankers.…
Now, how shall we fund education?
We may know who will be governor by the time you read this – and then again, we may not. The same goes for some competitive legislative races, like the state senate race north of Everett between Mary Margaret Haugen, D-Camano Island, and Barbara Bailey, R-Oak Harbor. But no matter who wins, there is a…