What real freedom includes
Dear America, universal health care is what real freedom looks like Frank Luntz tells GOP politicians to use the word freedom a lot. Unfortunately, the only freedom they really represent is for the wealthiest to get wealthier and put their boots directly on the necks of the working class, with an emphasis on people of…
Do it, Jeff
Seen on a wall in Seattle, a couple of blocks from Amazon.com’s headquarters. Indeed, as the richest man in the world — and as CEO of a company that paid 0 in federal taxes for two years in a row, despite earning billions in profit — Jeff Bezos has a particular obligation to pay back…
The debate about Russiagate and the fight against Trump
On social media, opinion sites, and online discussions, there’s a big battle between believers in and deniers of Russiagate. It’s highly politicized, with progressives like Glenn Greenwald supporting the views of Fox News and other defenders of the president. For example, in the following youtube video, Greenwald seems to be gleeful in his ridicule of…
Talking with a Trump supporter
I went into Seattle on Sunday to attend Elizabeth Warren’s campaign event at Seattle Center. I ended up standing next to a 67 year old man from Florida who had gone on a cruise to Alaska and was killing time before his return flight. He said he’s voting for Trump in 2020 and came to…
The Nazi roots of the Koch brothers
“The father of these famous rightwing billionaires was Fred Koch, who started his fortune with $500,000 received from Stalin for his assistance constructing 15 oil refineries in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. A couple of years later, his company, Winkler-Koch, helped the Nazis complete their third-largest oil refinery. The facility produced hundreds of thousands…
On Obama’s Lost Army
Obama’s Lost Army This article answers a lot of questions I had about the Obama presidency from the beginning. Team Obama had amassed a huge base of enthusiastic volunteers & supporters from the campaign, using the most sophisticated digital connections available in 2008. What happened with that massive political force after the election? Pretty much…
Report on Town Hall with Rep. Adam Smith in Kent, Aug 17, 2019
After a short introduction by Dana Ralph, Mayor of Kent, Rep. Smith spent twenty minutes giving an overview of his political positions.   They were uniformly progressive. He spoke on concentration of wealth, racism, sexism, immigration, gun control, corporate control, taxation,militarism, and impeachment. Most of the two hours were spent on constituents’ questions. If there were…
Suppress speech of white supremacists? Or just protest their policies?
Should progressives suppress speech of white supremacists? Or just protest their policies when they arrive? I got the email below from Northwest Accountability Project Donald, While American families are grieving and coming to terms with recent mass shootings, including the white supremacist terrorist attack in El Paso, the Freedom Foundation is doubling down on deadly…