Coal Train petition
WE the People have the potential power to ask for a more comprehensive EIS review on coal mining, transport, and export, but we have to act (again) NOW! Because Coal Backers are becoming successful with moving along their “narrow” EIS. That’s why I signed a petition to The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate,…
Governor’s budget proposal is a step in the right direction – but does not go far enough
by Marilyn Watkins Our state budget is one of the main ways elected leaders make decisions on our behalf about the future our children and our state will have. Will we continue to underfund education and overcrowd classrooms, or provide adequate resources so kids in every zip code have access to high quality schools? Well,…
Tax Evaders, Pay Up Now!
[Editor: the above video seems to be viewable only from chrome.] Light Actions targets corporate tax dodgers who aren’t paying their fair share. We’re Not Broke! It’s when greedy corporations don’t pay taxes that we get austerity for the masses. In 2010 Boeing paid no U.S. taxes on over $4 billion of income, in fact,…
The Revolving Door
Growing up, many of us learned our country has three branches of government, with checks and balances to make sure nothing ever goes wrong. We also believed that by removing his glasses no one would realize Clark Kent was actually Superman. As we aged, we discovered that checks and balances have less to do with…
Physicans for a National Health Program Western WA's meeting on May 4 at UW
Saturday May 4, 7PM Kane Hall Rm 120, UW Speakers: Andy Coates, MD (National President, PNHP), Gerald Friedman, PhD (Professor, Dept of Economics, U MA), Jeff Johnson (President, WA State Labor Council). Welcome by Congressman Jim McDermott.
32nd Democrats pass resolution critical of Obama's proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare
2013-08 Resolution on Preserving Social Security and Medicare Whereas our Social Security System is a foundation of our social safety net for all citizens who reach retirement age or are eligible due to disability; and Whereas our Medicare System provides vital healthcare services to seniors and disabled and prevents people from falling into total abject…
Friday Night (4/12), Activist Concert 7:30pm at Kenyon Hall in West Seattle
Award-Winning Activist Songwriters FRIDAY April 12, 2013 at 7:30 PM Kenyon Hall in West Seattle 7904 35th Ave SW – Seattle, WA 98126 Tickets $12 – $15 advance purchase discounts available Reservations @ (206) 937-3613 or kenyonhall@earthlink.net Read more about it HERE
Big business bluffing on investments in higher ed funding
At a poker table, the Washington Roundtable’s latest education report would amount to a bold bluff. Our elected representatives in Olympia should call them on it. The leaders of Washington’s biggest corporations say they want more graduates from the state’s colleges and universities to employ — but they’re hoping no one notices the billions of…
Boeing moves operations to South Carolina despite Washington State tax breaks
Boeing pays no state sales tax and received tax breaks worth between 2 and 3 billion dollars from the Washington State legislature. (See Huge tax breaks for aerospace didn’t deliver many new jobs.) But The Seattle Times reports today: Washington worries as Boeing pours $1B into S.C. Partly the shift to South Carolina is in…
Effective and doable
PUBLIC STATE BANKS OR WALL STREET BANKS: THE CHOICE IS OURS If you missed last Saturday’s “Banking for We the People†call, then you missed a great discussion about an elegant yet simple economic solution, which helps states save huge sums of taxpayer dollars and shores up local economies. We heard from Rocky Anderson and…