The real meaning of Kshama Sawant's stunning numbers
The strong showing of some 35% by Kshama Sawant in her race against Richard Conlin for Seattle City Council impressed many. Â Yet even fans such as the Stranger have failed to understand the actual nature of the political earthquake, resorting to exercises in vote counting that border on numerology. Certainly, the facts themselves are amazing.…
Voters to Grand Obstruction Party: What about healthcare?
Town hall meetings: a unique opportunity to get to know your elected officials, up close and personal. And that opportunity is now, as our congressional representatives return home to hobnob with their constituents. As noted previously, we Washington State constituents might want to ask a few pointed questions of those folks we sent to the…
Non-partisan issue: Blame game doesn't help keep Boeing
Once again, it’s time to play, “Who lost Boeing?” Led by Rodney Tom, Senate Republicans blame Gov. Jay Inslee, and inaction on a labor-opposed workers’ compensation bill, for up to 375 engineering jobs moving to California. This is the same Jay Inslee who worked hard in Congress to secure an air refueling tanker contract for…
Eminent Domain
In Richmond, CA, half the homes are underwater (the homes are worth less than the mortgages). The city, which is composed mainly of people of color, is hemorrhaging financially, but the mayor, Gayle McLaughlin, an Occupy Wall Street activist and Green Party member, wants her city to invoke eminent domain to stanch the bleeding. The…
Voters to Grand Obstruction Party: Where are the jobs?
Why the Grand Obstruction Party hopes obstructionism will lead to feudalism. (Thom Hartmann) August 6, 2013 Folks here in Washington State, across America, likely throughout the civilized world, and quite possibly in neighboring galaxies have a new name for Republicans: the G.O.P. Nope, not the Grand Old Party of upstanding statesmen from Lincoln to Eisenhower,…
Why we can blame poverty, not public schools
Conservatives love to hate public schools and public school teachers. Every chance they get, conservatives (more properly called “regressives”) blame public schools for the poor educational outcomes of students in poor neighborhoods. They also point to the supposed low performance of American students compared to students of other countries. Image source: wikipedia For a while…
National Threat Level for Civil Rights
Too much welfare!
I’m sick and tired of all those lazy ne’re-do-wells who live off the public dole. You know who I’m talking about. Those welfare-loving persons who feel entitled to government handouts but who complain if they have to contribute to society. I’m talking about corporations such as GE, Apple, Goldman Sachs, ExxonMobil, Boeing, and Microsoft. Without…
Adam Smith on the defense cuts
Ranking House Armed Services Democrat Rep. Adam Smith, of Washington State, says of the defense cuts: “The single biggest take away from Strategic Choices Management Review is that Congress, by allowing sequestration to exist, is abdicating its constitutional responsibility to responsibly fund the military and to provide for the common defense. Through sequestration, Congress is…
Fast-food workers protest around Seattle against wage theft
See story and video at KIRO TV.