Shoot Your Shampoo
What toxics and harmful chemicals lurk on our bathroom shelves? by Anna Fahey on September 13, 2013 at 10:55 am I know I’m late to this party (like, by many years). But, I’m done with my brand name shampoo. My colleagues and I have thought a lot over the years about toxics and how to…
Why to oppose Summers: a resolution
A Resolution Opposing the Appointment of Larry Summers as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Whereas the current term for the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, will end in early 2014 requiring President Obama to nominate a successor and the US Senate to confirm him or her, and Whereas the Federal Reserve, since its…
Libertarians who get rich from the government
In 11 Questions You Should Ask Libertarians to See if They’re Hypocrites Richard (RJ) Eskow describes how libertarianism in America was raised from the grave by billionaire benefactors, such as the Koch brothers, who were eager to justify the lower taxes and deregulation that have crashed our economy and concentrated wealth in the hands of…
Bad math, selective reporting on Pay It Forward undercut Chronicle of Higher Education critic
A column criticizing Pay It Forward in the Chronicle of Higher Education misses the mark – by a wide margin. \In a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article (subscription required), staff reporter Eric Kelderman writes that enthusiasm for Oregon’s Pay It Forward* debt-free degree plan “reveals either naïveté or willful ignorance†about the “risks and rewards…not to mention…
Adding up the benefits of Obamacare
The other day I went onto the Washington Health Benefit Exchange website to look at the actual costs for health coverage. (In the interest of full disclosure, my spouse works for the Washington Health Benefit Exchange.) I wanted to escape the non-stop rhetoric from those who are panicked that the Affordable Care Act will actually…
Got radio? Communities step up to the LPFM microphone
A rare window of opportunity will soon open. Local communities nationwide will have the chance to tear open the drapes, roll up the blinds, throw that window wide open and shout out to the surrounding region and potentially worldwide.A Low Power FM radio band could soon be at your fingertips. From October 15 to 19,…
On Jim McDermott's Town Hall about Syria
Sunday night Rep. Jim McDermott met with constituents to discuss the situation in Syria. McDermott is “very strongly” leaning against voting for the so-called “limited response,” comparing it to the misguided attack on Iraq. Such adventures have unintended consequences, even if the architects have the noblest of intentions. McDermott is worried about the long-term consequences…
On stopping perpetual wars
Are people creating affinity groups (groups of trusted friends who share your values and support each other) to do creative nonviolent direct actions in case Congress votes for Military Action or Obama orders the start of a new war? Who are you having dinner with tonight? A conference call with tomorrow? My daughter thought they…
Anti-war rally in Seattle, Sept 7
Hundred people give a shit, enough, for the traditional street march….. 100,000 more will fight this war. Do us a favor. … Watch. Seattle against bombing Syria..
Voice your opposition to the wars
Click here to record a message to our lawmakers voicing your opposition to the war-mongering and imperialism. I’ll compile the voice recordings into a group performance.