Protest movements: how to make them more effective
I spoke with an activist from the 60s who said that change won’t come til there are massive protests like those that happened during the Civil Rights movement and the anti-war movement of the 60s. She also said that the FBI and other government entities harassed protesters and infiltrated the movements, so don’t expect it…
Health care helps lessen the fear
I looked out the window as I was getting ready for work and realized that, yes, fall has come to Puget Sound and with it, rain. So we start our six months of gray, dark, rainy weather. Twilight comes earlier and earlier. Could it be that fear also ratchets up? There are reasons — fear…
Anti-I-522 literature funded by Grocers Association, DuPont, Dow, Monsanto and Bayer
Yesterday I got a glossy flier in my mail box containing propaganda about I-522, Washington State’s initiative to require GMO food labeling. At the bottom of the flier, it says, “Top five contributors: Grocery Manufacturers Association, DuPont Pioneer, Dow AgroScience LLC, Monsanto Company, Bayer CropScience.” The No on 522 campaign’s website is http://factsabout522.com/.  The Yes…
GOP ransom message to America
(author unknown)
Empowering Women, Building Our Economy – Keynote Address by Marilyn Watkins
It’s great to be here today to celebrate the real progress we have made towards women’s equality. But I suspect many of us are also here today because we recognize how far we still have to go. When I was girl growing up in 1960s, the expectation for at least white middle class women was…
Do poorer people in Washington State oppose income taxes more than rich people?
The Washington Post reported a few days ago that Washington State has the most inequitable tax system of all states. See The state that taxes the poor the most is… a blue one and the graphic on the right, from ITEP. In Why ‘progressive’ voters will balk at the income tax proposal, the claim is…
Beacon Hill and Bank of America
Commentary by Bryce Phillips (a SAFE Member) SAFE’s roots are in the Occupy movement which emerged in 2011. The roots of SAFE can also be found in struggles of workers and the unemployed in the 1930s, where eviction blockades and move back-ins were common. There was a moratorium on bank evictions in 25 states and…
One way to save money, the environment, and journalism
I subscribe to The Nation, The American Prospect, Harper’s, Mother Jones, and The New Yorker. In addition, I belong to various progressive advocacy groups. So it seems like almost every I get letters in U.S. mail asking me to renew my subscription or donate money to some cause. Often the same organization sends me multiple…
Inequality for All, opening in Seattle on Sept 27
Inequality for All A Passionate Argument On behalf of the middle class a film by Robert Reich Opening at the Harvard Exit Theatre on Sept 27 Robert Reich is a best-selling author of thirteen books, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at UC Berkeley, former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, and a foremost expert…
Progressive Radio organizing event this Tuesday in Seattle
We would really like to see you at this first NW Progressive Radio event! Progressive Radio Northwest Announces, Tuesday, September 24th, First monthly Community Forum on Progressive Radio! On Tuesday, September 24, we’re launching the first in a series of monthly get-togethers to meet each other, mingle and discuss issues central to our mission of…