Thursday in Tacoma: Animate The Climate Justice Movement from Noon Onward!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We’re Winning The Fight Against Fossil Fuel Foolishness Celebrate Our Victory With a Festive Procession To The Press Conference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spokane Coal Train Transformed Into Ecotopia By Activists at Coal Export Hearinghe Final Coal Export Scoping Hearing for Longview Terminal is Tomorrow in Tacoma. We invite you to join our colorful and fun procession…
Quickie link: Koch Brothers and ALEC Target SeaTac $15 an Hour Minimum Wage Initiative
Goldy at the Slog is reporting: If you want a good indication of how much is truly riding on SeaTac’s $15 an hour minimum wage initiative, you need look no further than who is fighting it: The ultra-conservative billionaire Koch brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the corporate-funded lobbying group behind “model legislation”…
Fundraiser for Sen. Nathan Schlicher, with Attorney General Ferguson, this Wed in Seattle
1107 1st Ave, Downtown Seattle, 6:30 – 8:00 PM. It’s important that Sen. Schlicher wins the race against ALEC co-chair Jan Angel.
Fool’s gold: corporate media reports GOP spin as real news
When it comes to hypocrisy, the GOP (Grand Obstruction Party) has set a new gold standard. Rather, a new fool’s gold standard. The Republican Party, led on a very short leash by well-monied pro-oligarchy business moguls and pro-apocalypse crazies, keeps on churning out pyrite from its thunderous right-wing sound machine, while corporate media reports on…
Conlin vs. Sawant: The Politics of Character Assassination
Character assassination is easy. The great thing about it is you don’t actually have to prove anything. You can use any number of techniques. Guilt by association with other people. Tying the person to something seemingly in contradiction to their values. Vague innuendos that sound like questions. Taking details of a person’s personal life and…
Call the waaambulance! GOP stamps feet, holds breath, shuts USA down
What happens when a tiny minority of sore losers—big losers at that—refuses to accept overwhelming defeat, script a new game plan and come back prepared for the next contest? America is finding out, and it ain’t pretty. Suppose, following its defeat in World War II, Japan had said, “Okay, so we lost. Now let’s negotiate.…
Story of hope: People want, need this care
Republicans in the Congress have lost. They failed to stop the Affordable Care Act from starting up. Every day, more and more people sign up for health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act. And every day, by doing nothing, the hole the republicans have dug for themselves gets deeper and deeper. The numbers in…
More anti-I-522 propaganda from Big Ag
Yesterday I again got a glossy flier in my mail box containing propaganda against I-522, Washington State’s initiative to require GMO food labeling. At the bottom of the flier, it says, “Top five contributors: Grocery Manufacturers Association, DuPont Pioneer, Dow AgroScience LLC, Monsanto Company, Bayer CropScience.†The flier contains an anti-I-522 quote by Ken Eikenberry.…
Coal train hearing Oct 17 in Tacoma
STOP the coal trains in their tracks WHAT: Scoping Hearing On the Millennium Bulk Terminal in Longview, WA. WHEN: October 17th!! (Doors open 4:00 p.m.; Hearing starts at 5 p.m.) WHERE: Tacoma Convention Center (1500 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402) Involved Democracy is announcing: There will be a Rally at Tollefson Plaza which starts at 3:15…