Tell the Port Commissioners to stand with the SeaTac community
Looks like Alaska Airlines and the Port of Seattle Commissioners don’t care about what voters say. The voters of SeaTac, by passing Proposition 1 the Good Jobs Initiative, have said that every airport job should be a good job. But now Alaska Airlines is trying to take that away. Tell the Port Commissioners to stop…
Questions for Rep. Larsen about his votes on the Dodd Frank act
Rick Larsen asked those who could not make his call-in Town Hall to submit questions on his Facebook Page. So I did, and here it is. I’m sure he is drafting his response right now…. I will let everyone know when I hear from him. By the way I have not heard anyone say they…
Anti-Monsanto protest in Argentina
Monsanto is very powerful in Argentina. The people were going from intersection to intersection for a good long sit-in before proceeding to the next. The police were behaving themselves, moving ahead of the protesters, and closing the intersections ahead of the people. They were glad to hear about solidarity from Seattle.
Three midday Sunday events for Seattle-area progressive policy wonks
Sunday midday there are three events I want to attend: Frank Chopp’s appearance at the KC Dems LAC meeting at Montlake Library (2401 24 Avenue East, Seattle. Montlake Branch of Library), at 1PM; the film We’re Not Broke at Seattle Central Library with John Burbank, at noon; and the NW Progressive Institute’s holiday party in…
The long march for a $15/hr minimum wage
Last Thursday, on one of the coldest days in years, more than 100 fast food workers & community allies marched all the way from SeaTac to Seattle City Hall for $15 an hour — that’s 13+ miles and the temperature never got above freezing. A day-long march in the bone-chilling cold may sound pretty rough,…
Upcoming SAFE Actions
—WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED— Dear SAFE Supporter – 6:30PM, Tuesday December 17th – SAFE’s last weekly meeting of the year. Food will be served! WE WILL NOT BE MEETING ON Tuesday December 24th or 31st. Where: The SAFE House, Bethany UCC, 6230 Beacon Ave S (corner of Graham St), Seattle WA 98108 UPCOMING ACTIONS:…
Sunday in Seattle: Community Art & Imagery Build Party at the Freemont Abbey
Join progressive artists and activists for Seattle’s Monthly Community Art & Imagery Build Party at the Freemont Abbey. Day: Sunday December 15th Time: 1-4:30pm Where: Freemont Abbey located at 4272 Fremont Avenue North Seattle, WA 98103 Who: You, your friends, and other artists, progressive minded activists, organizers and those who like to have fun and…
Thoughts on the state Chairs race to replace Dwight Pelz
We could play it as a numbers game. 1 Candidate has run for office – Jay Clough (4th CD and 8th LD) 1 Candidate (that I’m aware of) is a union member – Jay Clough (IBEW 984, current apprentice of UA Local 598 {Plumbers and Steamfitters union}) 1 Candidate is the Chair of one of…