Nice work if you can get it
There’s a clever Gershwin song Nice work if you can get it which contains the lines: Holding hands at midnight, beneath a starry sky. Nice work if you can get it, and you can get it if you try. What’s funny to me about the lyrics is the suggestion that romance is work. Of course,…
Inspire Seattle Jan 25: No New Jim Crow
Invites YOU to join our  social on  Saturday, January 25, 2014 at 6:30pm * Main discussion topic for this evening: No New Jim Crow *To receive InspireSeattle invitations, click here to provide us with an email address. Following the Civil War and continuing right into the 1960s, African-Americans were racially segregated and systematically discriminated against by…
Rodney Tom lives in Medina, opposes $15 minimum wage
See Dems plan minimum-wage hike; Senate leader dumps on it. Noisy protesters should target his house in Medina. I’m thinking of the raw, Seattle area protesters who like to get arrested. I wonder if such people would be willing to get involved in what might seem to them to be partisan politics. For example, if…
Sick Around the World: film showing in Des Moines on Sat. Jan 25
Ideas for health care systems from around the world in the movie Sick Around the World (60 min) Saturday January 25th 2:30pm—4:30pm Saltwater Unitarian Church 25701 14th Pl S Des Moines, WA 98198 Health Care for all—WA will present information on the WA State single payer bill, the Washington Health Security Trust. Question and answer…
On the McCleary II Supreme Court decision and tax breaks
Well, I just read the McCleary II Opinion and as a parent of an 8th grader in the most over-crowded school (Twin Falls Middle School) in one of the most over-crowded (and under-funded) school districts in the United States, I am deeply offended. Both the Legislature and the Supreme Court admit that the Legislature is…
Hey Gov. Inslee and legislators, give us huge tax breaks or we're all leaving!
Actually, the above image could be misinterpreted as implying that I think taxes are too high. In other words, the above image might be used by right wingers. But my meaning is: Washington State’s taxes are already perhaps the most regressive in the nation. So the Governor and legislators shouldn’t be giving tax breaks to…
Damn, wasteful government meddling
USA Today is reporting “Anti-tobacco efforts have saved 8 million lives in the 50 years since the publication of a landmark Surgeon General report, ‘Smoking and Health,’ a new analysis shows.”
With Boeing, politicians show true colors
With politicians’ heavy thumbs upon the scale of the 777X decision, the Machinists have spoken. Again. In 1894, railroad magnate George Pullman crushed a strike, declaring that “workers have nothing to do with the amount of wages they shall receive; that is solely the business of the company.” Labor relations are much more genial today.…
A hard question for state chair candidates
I attended the candidates forum for the chair of the state Democratic Party Sunday (see report), and there was one issue which the candidates did not directly address: As party chair, how would you balance the needs of the progressive and centrist wings of the party? On the left, many voters are disillusioned with what…