Washington Liberals

Meetings about replacing PSE with a publicly owned utility

Saturday, February 1st – TWO EKC PUD Launch EVENTS – Bellevue & Woodinville:

1. EKC Public Utility District # 1 Launch (Bellevue, Mercer Island, Beaux Arts, Clyde Hill, Hunt’s Point, Medina, Yarrow Point)

See official web page about the Bellevue event here: https://www.ekc-pud.org/calendar

Eastshore Unitarian Church – 12700 SE 32nd St, Bellevue, WA 98005, 10:00 – Noon


2. EKC PUD District #7 launch (Woodinville, Redmond, Kenmore, Bothell, Duvall)

18900 168th Ave NE, Woodinville WA 98072 (Northshore UCC), 10:00 – Noon

PSE is the dirtiest electrical utility in the state. It emits more greenhouse gases than every other utility in the state–combined. It’s among the most expensive and least reliable. PSE bet big on natural gas in the 1990s, and are doubling down today. They are actively fighting to ensure that dirty fossil fuels are used for the foreseeable future.

PSE lacks an interest in our welfare and local values

The Eastside is one of the world’s premier tech industry centers. 60% of our electricity coming from fossil fuels is embarrassing. We’re buying more electric cars than just about anywhere else, but we’re charging them up with coal and natural gas.

We can do better. We have to do better for future generations. We don’t have a lot of time to cut back emissions, but PSE burns more fossil fuel than it did 10 years ago.

PSE can’t kick its fossil fuel habit, even if it wanted to. We should form a public utility district to replace PSE. Help us get one on the ballot for 2020.
Keep in mind, switching to a public utility makes financial sense as well.

The alternative is to keep burning fossil fuels, letting our grid deteriorate, and sending a tenth of our power bill off to private equities and investment banks.

Wednesday, January 29th, 6:30 pm, Eastshore Unitarian Church – 12700 SE 32nd St, Bellevue, WA 98005

350 Eastside – Sunrise GND Launch Party

We were unable to have our January 15 meeting due to weather, but here is a treat not to miss!

350 Eastside is supporting the Sunrise Movement and the Green New Deal Campaign by joining in a nationwide kick-off event from 6:30 to 8:30 with video and a discussion of strategy and program for the rest of 2020.


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