Washington Liberals

March against Monsanto, workparty, potluck Sunday in Seattle


This SUNDAY May 5th

March Against Monsanto Mutants Imagery Building Worparty 11-5pm at Seattle Fremont Abbey
Backbone Community Potluck 7-10pm in Seattle
Want to amp-up the fight against Monsanto?
Saturday May 25th is the international day of action: March Against Monsanto.Join Backbone Campaign and affiliated Seattle activists hosting Monsanto’s Mutants imagery building workshops on Sundays the 5th, 12th, and 19th from 11-5pm.

Trans Pacific Partnership 084
The creators of Agent Orange have set about toxifying the health of the people, the biosphere and food system, and any semblance of democracy. Enough of their pushing poisonous pesticides, genetically engineering our food, and revolving door between government positions and corporate lobbying. Let’s amp-up the movement with imagery that reveals Monsanto’s toxic intentions and our beautiful alternative visions that we’re working to bring into fruition.
We’re aiming to make Seattle’s March Against Monsanto one of the most visually impressive. We need your help building (no experience necessary, always appreciated), gathering materials, or donating to the supplies (click the link and you can specify under “program” you want it to go to imagery).

Please call if you’d like to help in other ways like graphic design for t-shirt screen printing, outreach, or more: 805-776-3882

Sunday the 5th Backbone Community Potluck in Seattle

Will you join us to share stories, build connections and friendships, and share delicious grub.

With so many actions and workshops, you deserve a chance to reconnect, rekindle, and socialize.

Join Us for a Backbone Community Potluck this Sunday             the 5th from 7-10pm in Seattle
: 7-10pm Sunday May 5th

Where: Community House at 1412 East Colombia St, 98122.
It’s at the edge of central district.

We’d love for you to RSVP by calling: 805-776-3882

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