Washington Liberals

Join us in asking "WTF, Olympia?" on July 27

Late Tuesday afternoon we learned that nation-wide vigils for Trayvon Martin have been called for this Saturday at noon, exactly the same time as the planned WTF Olympia? rally. At an emergency committee meeting last night we decided to postpone the rally until the following Saturday, July 27, out of respect for this national day of action and to avoid conflicting with the Seattle vigil. All other details remain the same – more information is below.  We encourage you to attend both events, and apologize for any confusion.

We’re still reconfirming our speaker line-up, but it will include Mayor McGinn and a couple of other elected officials in addition to local activists.  We’ll  be collecting a busload of grievances for later delivery to Sen. Rodney Tom, who was instrumental in blocking a transportation funding option for King County. Can’t make it to the rally but still want to participate? Send us your message for Rodney Tom and we’ll make sure he gets it.  You can also distribute posters and flyers, and join us on Friday, July 26 for a rush-hour march down the 3rd Avenue sidewalk for last-minute getting the word out – find us at Westlake Park at 3:30.

WTF, Olympia? Rally

What? A rally to express our dissatisfaction with our State Legislature
When? Saturday, July 27, 12:00 pm
Where? City Hall Park, 450 3rd Ave (south of King County Courthouse)
Who? Everyone with a grievance
Why? It’s time to get organized!

Olympia, Where’s the Funding?? Let’s fight to save our buses!

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