32nd Legislative District Democrats invite you to our brunch fundraiser!
Pancakes, Coffee and Congressman Kucinich
Sunday – May 22, 2011
10:30AM – 12:30PM
Richmond Masonic Center
753 N. 185th St (one block west of Aurora Ave N, at Linden Ave N & N 185th St)
Shoreline, WAÂ 98133
$25.00 suggested donation, no one turned away
Join the 32nd Legislative District Democrats and special guest Congressman Dennis Kucinich for a Sunday Brunch Fundraiser to benefit the 32nd Legislative District Democrats.
10:00 AMÂ PCO Meeting 10:30 AMÂ Â Brunch 12:00 PMÂ Â State Senator Maralyn Chase presents Congressman Dennis Kucinich;
Q & A to follow.
32Dems, PO Box 65258 Shoreline, WA 98155