Quotes for a Snowy Thursday Morning
Yep, it’s snowing again in Western Washington. Very pretty, just an inch or so here in Chehalis. I expect it will be gone soon, but as daylight appeared, the neighborhood was especially appealing to the eye. I collect quotes. They are useful in so many ways. Sometimes the author captures something large in very few…
Some Thoughts of Equality, Diversity and Class
My email buddy Austin Kelly gathers and distributes some really amazing stuff. Here’s something that I got from him today under Gender and Liberation: Critique of Liberal Anti-Racism: A Way Forward or Regression on Race?2009 DECEMBER 7The following essay by Walter Benn Michaels appeared in the London Review of Books.Here are some excerpts:“My point is…
Black Bloc 201
For folks who have not been present at non-violent demonstrations it may be helpful to understand that the original black block is the riot police who come out and assault non-violent demonstrators in a wholesale fashion. Some pretty peaceful and peace-loving folks have been assaulted by the police. Some of you may know Dorli Rainey…
Money and Banking Explained in a Few Minutes
But could not be done in American. I am not sure, but this sounds like French to me. More propaganda from Old Europe? maybe… Thanks to friends at Public Banking for this info.
Black Bloc 101
Chris Hedges made a few waves with his recent piece describing the black bloc as the cancer in occupy. I believe in diversity. I think diversity is a fundamental natural law of the universe. But I understand that human beings have a tidiness gene that makes us think that we can organize and be more…
Paul Cienfuegos Workshops in Shelton, February 11th
Paul Cienfuegos is back with us to discuss the history of corporate rights and the community rights movement that has sprung up in response to unfettered corporate power. Many folks were with us last November for an introductory workshop. If you want to take part in the advanced workshop tomorrow, show up at 3 pm…
Boycott, Divest, Sanctions: Peaceful and Effective. Speak Truth to Power
Political pressure expressed through our collective wallets is very effective. Count me in:
World Life Expectancy – Interesting Website Shared by My Friends at TC Pro-Net
The Thurston County Progressive Network are a great bunch of folks who work year-round to produce a more progressive community in the Olympia area. In this week’s calendar they share a link to World Life Expectancy website and a cancer cluster map. It’s an interesting website from an epidemiology perspective. The suggestion in the cancer…
Thursday News Report from the South Shore of the Salish Sea
Good day yesterday in Cascadia as the Washington State leglislature moved gay marriage forward through Senate vote. The gov put her weight behind this legislation, apparently trying to establish some kind of legacy public policy. I am completely supportive of the gay marriage legislation, but I have to wonder why the dems will only push…
Washington Investment Trust – State Bank Now
Why was North Dakota the only US State not affected by the banking crisis? (It’s not the oil.) Because it was the ONLY State with its own Public Bank! The State Bank bills are down to the wire in the WA Legislature. SB 6310 needs to move out of committee now or the…