Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • Look what the bastards did to our country!

    Some people think there’s too much partisanship. They think we need to be politer and more accommodating to people of “conservative” political persuasion. No way! Look what the bastards did to our country!  At the end of the Clinton Presidency, we were at peace and the US government was running surpluses. After eight years of…

  • US Prison System is a monster

    Brave New Foundation reports: Our prison system is a beast, gobbling resources that should be going to communities. Watch this video to find out why. Then get involved at http://beyondbars.org. This video was done in partnership with the ACLU, Equal Justice Initiative, All of Us or None, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, NAACP, A…

  • Not so cool trick

    This is largely correct. In addition to the tax cuts, there are also wars to pay for, and mismanagement and corruption. As Frank Thomas says in his 2008 book “The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule,” Republicans don’t want government to work, so they intentionally mismanage and corrupt it. In other words, perhaps the country IS…

  • Obama and (the former) Romney agree on all these issues

  • Government is Good: the book (an interview)

    Prof. Douglas Amy talks about his new book, “Government is Good: An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution.”

  • Ryan's Convention Speech: The Most Dishonest Convention Speech Ever?

    The Most Dishonest Convention Speech … Ever? It’s important that Repugs not continue to get away with lying.

  • Fox News: Paul Ryan is a world record liar

    “To anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan’s speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech.   — Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words  

  • Both are correct, Yo-Yo Me

    Some progressives say we need to vote for President Obama despite his sell-outs, because the alternative is so much worse — especially given the fact that the president nominates Supreme Court justices.  Another factor is that if the voters think Obama is bad, then they’ll be less likely to vote for down-ticket Democratic candidates. So…

  • GOP boss says Rob McKenna will do to Washington what Scott Walker did to Wisconsin

    The Stand is reporting: GOP says McKenna will do what Walker did GOP boss says Rob McKenna will do to Washington what Scott Walker did to Wisconsin “The leader of the Republican Governors Association, said Tuesday at a Republican National Convention event for Washington delegates in Tampa that Rob McKenna would be a leader much…

  • Frank Thomas and Glen Ford on Obama

    In Obama’s squandered hope Frank Thomas criticizes President Obama for being too conciliatory — for imagining that the main problem facing the nation was an excess of partisanship and that by reaching out to Republicans he (Obama) could transcend the divisions of the Bush years and, together with Republicans, solve the problems facing the nation.…