Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • Socialism and sex

    Democrats flirt with Socialism. Progressives neck with Socialism. Only Socialists go all the way. (BTW, I’m not a Socialist, but I wrote that because I thought the metaphor is cool.)

  • Pat Robertson's Extremist Fantasies

    “(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” “I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship…

  • If words have any meaning, charter schools are unconstitutional

    The point of charter schools is to provide an alternative to standard public schools.  As the text of I-1024 says, public charter schools are “independently managed public schools operated only by qualified nonprofit organizations.” Furthermore, Part I, Section 101 says: Public charter schools free teachers and principals from burdensome regulations that limit other public schools,…

  • Check whether your vote was counted

    *From NARAL pro-choice Washington) Some counties have online ballot trackers so you can check the status of your ballot and confirm that it has been counted. Here are some links to ballot trackers: Ballot tracker for voters in King County. Ballot tracker for voters in Snohomish County. Ballot tracker for voters in Pierce County. If…

  • Thomas Frank on Obama and the Dems' Mistakes

    [Note: see also Thomas Franks on progressives, Democrats, and Occupy.] Thomas Frank’s book “Pity the Billionaire: The Hard-times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right” explains how President Obama and the Democrats mismanaged the major economic and health care policies of his first term. In particular, they mismanaged the messaging war. Rather than fighting…

  • Thursday rally in Seattle to stop Congress from extending the Bush Tax Cuts

    We must stop Republicans in the “lame duck” Congress from extending the Bush Tax Cuts for the richest two percent at the expense Medicare and Medicaid. Please join Health Care for America Now and our partners on Thursday, November 8 at Catholic Seamen’s Club to urge Congress to preserve health care reforms and not bargain…

  • Washington State Democrats Chair Pelz Calls on Secretary of State Sam Reed to Denounce GOP Ballot Collection Tactics

    For Immediate Release November 3, 2012 Contact: Benton Strong 206-552-0156 Washington State Democrats Chair Pelz Calls on Secretary of State Sam Reed to Denounce GOP Ballot Collection Tactics Seattle – Today, the Washington State Democrats called on Secretary of State Sam Reed to denounce the recently announced practice by the King County Republican Party of sending…

  • Thomas Franks on progressives, Democrats, and Occupy

    From Slate’s interview of Thomas Frank (Tom Frank: Obama’s made left “futile and irrelevant”): “The only honest way for progressives to assess the experience of these past four years is by coming unflinchingly to terms with our own futility and irrelevance. Rahm Emanuel, Bill Daley, all these guys [in the Obama Administration]– they see liberals…

  • The Republicon con game, and why impeachment mattered

    I’m reading Thomas Frank’s Pity the Billionaire: The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right. Great book! Depressing. It tells the vivid story of how right wingers were able to quickly recover from the disasters of the Bush Administration and to reinvent themselves by 2010 as the saviors of the middle class.  In…

  • The Salins Resolution to overturn Citizens United makes headway

    Below is the text of a resolution signed by 60 Washington State legislators, plus 8 candidates. The letter calls on the US Congress to end corporate personhood and to overturn Citizens United. As reported by Dorothy Van Soest (Chair, State Legislative Resolution Planning Committee, SLRPC), “The total of 68 signatures you’ve gathered represents 27 of…