Petition by progressives in support of Texas Seceding from the USA
Whereas, More than 100,000 people have signed the right wing Petition For a Free and Independent Texas ; Whereas, At least half a dozen groups in Texas have been promoting the secession effort; Whereas, Texas politicians such as George W. Bush and Rick Perry have done great damage to our nation; Whereas, Texas has 38…
The Olympian: Sen. Kline wants a state response to Citizens United
Sen. Kline wants a state response to Citizens United “..Kline said his bill simply asks Congress to draft the language and put it out to the states for ratification. He indicated there are some Republicans who share his concern about the role of money in politics – particularly if the same limits were to apply…
Well Regulated!
Found on facebook.
What people see in Obama
We will screw ya
Hallelujah,   I heard there was a Tax Accord parody by Anne Smith, with apologies to Leonard Cohen. Guitar and singing by Don Smith: G                            Em                      G                      Em I heard there was a tax accord, with Norquist as the overlord C           …
More on guns
The Hitler gun control lie: Gun rights activists who cite the dictator as a reason against gun control have their history dangerously wrong As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. … The 1938 law signed by Hitler that LaPierre…
Why can they get away with ridiculing Mormons?
The musical “The Book of Mormon” is showing currently in Seattle. Its entire run is sold-out. It makes fun of Mormons. Why can the producers get away with ridiculing Mormons? They wouldn’t be able to make a musical that ridiculed Jews or Muslims, or blacks or women. Jews like Mel Brooks lampoon Jews. Gays make…
Unfair in WA
Name Photo Position Annual Salary Net worth Approximate percent of income paid in Washington state taxes Steve Ballmer Microsoft CEO $1.3 million about $15.7 billion Mark Ritz Restaurant cook $25,500 about $3000 Sources Microsoft CEO Ballmer pay slips 4 pct to $1.3M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Ballmer Washington: Who Pays? Fact sheet Cook $13 – $15/HR ($26,000 – $30,000/yr),…
Sen. Rodney Tom Resolution Passed by the 48th LD
Senator Rodney Tom serves the 48th Legislative District in Bellevue.  He has recently come under criticism for helping Republicans take control of the state senate. (See Democrats Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon hand control of State Senate to Republicans.) The resolution below, by the 48th LD, falls short of condemning or censuring Senator Tom, although…
Overturn Citizens United: Get corporate money out of politics
Click here to sign a petition ask the WA State legislature to help overturn the Supreme Court Citizens United equating money with speech and treating corporations as persons. Get the Washington State Legislature to pass a resolution during the 2013 session calling on the U.S. Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that in effect reverses…