Two good resolutions that Democrat federal lawmakers should follow

The King County Democrats’ Platform & Resolutions Committee is (favorably) considering the following two resolutions, the first one calling for cuts to Pentagon spending, and the second one opposing cuts to Social Security. Concerning the Pentagon budget resolution, someone asked, “Have we considered impacts on WA employment re Boeing and re Joint Base Lewis-McChord? Might…

Resolution Supporting Public Financing of Campaigns In Seattle

Fair Elections Seattle, and the 37th LD Democrats have submitted the following resolution (slightly edited by KCDems platform committee) to the WSDCC. WHEREAS the role of big money in Seattle campaigns continues to grow, increasing candidates’ reliance on wealthy donors to fund their campaigns; and WHEREAS this reliance on big money discourages good candidates from…

Massive protest over Microsoft tax evasion

Tens of thousands of protesters marched in Redmond today in protest over Microsoft’s tax evasions.  Organizers claimed 100,000 people participated. Police estimated the size at 65,000.   There were 18 arrests related to the bonfire in which protesters burnt Windows software packaging. Protesters’ complaints centered around two issues: Microsoft’s tax evasion and consequent failure to…

Rodney Tom and the evil Senate Repugs want to take $140,000,000 from students and give it to the rich

Legislature Gets a Reprieve on Estate Tax – Drop-Dead Date Now is Next Week Due to a technical problem with the estate tax,  the state of Washington’s Department of Revenue will soon begin sending out rebate checks to millionaires, depriving the state’s education budget of up to $140 million in much needed money.  The State…