Washington Liberals

Resolution Supporting Public Financing of Campaigns In Seattle

Fair Elections Seattle, and the 37th LD Democrats have submitted the following resolution (slightly edited by KCDems platform committee) to the WSDCC.

WHEREAS the role of big money in Seattle campaigns continues to grow, increasing candidates’ reliance on wealthy donors to fund their campaigns; and

WHEREAS this reliance on big money discourages good candidates from running, reduces the relative influence of average voters, and decreases public confidence in our election system; and

WHEREAS a system that provides public matching funds to candidates who demonstrate a broad base of support from small donors will greatly reduce the influence of big money and will support grassroots candidates; and

WHEREAS several other states and cities (including Maine, Arizona, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles and others) have instituted public financing programs that have reduced the influence of big money, increased the diversity of candidates and donors, and increased the competitiveness of elections; and

WHEREAS in 2008 citizen activists successfully lobbied the Washington State legislature to allow cities to adopt public financing of campaigns by a vote of the people; and

WHEREAS on March 22, 2013, the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission unanimously recommended that the Seattle City Council adopt public financing of campaigns and submit it to the people for a vote;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we call on the Seattle City Council to adopt a robust program of public financing for campaigns for all City races, and to send it to the people for approval.

Adopted ______________ by _____________________________

Sponsored by Fair Elections Seattle, www.fairelectionsseattle.com

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