Employers should stop subsidizing free parking by employees
The Bellevue Planning Commission has recently suggested encouraging employers to stop subsidizing free parking by employees.  The intention is to incentivize people to use public transportation and other alternatives to commuting by car.  The benefits would be clear: less traffic congestion, less pollution, and a more pleasant environment. As expected, there’s a posting on nextdoor.com…
Was the Noble Savage noble? Or savage?
There has been a debate in the press recently about whether the state (nation) is fundamentally a source of exploitation and war, or whether it’s a civilizing influence on humans’ natural brutal nature. The debate has echoes of Jean-Jacque Rousseau versus Thomas Hobbes, as well as echos of FDR versus the Koch brothers. In short,…
Dishonest, negative campaign ads by Republicans in Bellevue
I got a flier in the mail today from Friends of Jared Nieuwenhuis, Friends of Steve Fricke, and Friends of Phil Yin that says “STOP THESE CANDIDATES FROM BRINGING HEROIN INTO BELLEVUE.” The candidates referred to are Karol Brown, Lynne Robinson, and Janice Zahn. What a scare tactic! If this isn’t negative campaigning, I don’t…
Time to stop being polite to Repugs: Stop being Complicit
In society there are rules of etiquette that enjoin us to respect political and religious differences. For example, at work, at the store, and on social networks such as nextdoor.com, we are expected to be nonpartisan and to respect differences of opinion. But given the racism, sexism, craziness, and all-round destructiveness of the conservative movement…
Conservative logic
Women: “Can I have birth control?” Republicans: “No.” Women: “I couldn’t get birth control so I got pregnant. Can I have an abortion?” Republicans: “No.” Women: “I had the baby, but I’m out of work. Can I have WIC and food stamps until I get back on my feet?” Republicans: “No.” Women: “I found a…
Horrible quotes about rape by Republicans
“Some girls rape easy.” – Rep. Roger Rivard (R-Wi) “Rape is kinda like the weather. If it’s inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” – Clayton Williams (R-former Texas gubernatorial candidate) “From what I understand…If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” – Todd Akin (R-Mo) “You…
IMF Says Higher Taxes for Wealthy Good Idea. And These Billionaires Agree.
“A more progressive tax code, says International Monetary Fund, would both significantly reduce inequality and help grow the economy” https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/10/12/imf-says-higher-taxes-wealthy-good-idea-and-these-billionaires-agree
Dangerous things
1967 – Jayne Mansfield is killed when her car runs under the rear end of a tractor trailer. Since then, all trailers have a DOT bar at the rear to keep cars from going under them. 1982 – Seven people die when Tylenol packaging was tampered with. Since then, it takes a PhD, channel locks,…
Report on the AAPI candidates forum with state senate candidates Dhingra, Englund, Kuderer and Darnelle
On Thursday October 5, the Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Eastside Candidate Forum was held at the North Bellevue Community Center. Sponsors included the Korean American Coalition – Washington, American Civil Liberties Union, MAPS-AMEN (Muslim Association of Puget Sound — American Muslim Empowerment Network), APACEvotes, Tasveer, Seattle JACL, Asian Counseling and Referral Service, Eastside…
Jinyoung Lee Englund acts and speaks like a high school kid
At the AAPI candidates forum on Oct 5, 2017, Republican candidate Jinyoung Lee Englund for the 45thLD state senate seat says that extremism is “deteriorating” our democracy and, overall, gives an impression of someone too immature to be a state senator. Here’s her closing speech.