Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • Derk Kilmer's town hall meetings: ask him about TPP

    Sixth CD Representative Derek Kilmer is holding two town halls over the next week. (See dates and locations below.)   If you live in his area, please attend and ask him to oppose TPP, to oppose domestic spying by the NSA, and to oppose tightening sanctions against Iran. According to  in A List of the…

  • Bias in headlines about Bill and Hillary Clinton

    I often visit news.google.com to see top stories, and I often notice the bias in headlines. Today, there are grossly conflicting headlines about Mitt Romney’s interview with NBC’s David Gregory. The Daily Caller’s headline reads: Romney: Bill Clinton ’embarrassed the nation, breached his responsibilities as … ‎Gregory asked Romney to respond to Rand Paul’s description…

  • Freedom Foundation tactics

    The Freedom Foundation is bad news. It’s a libertarian think tank based in Olympia whose mission is “to advance individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited, accountable government.” Recently, they’ve been mounting a sustained attack on unions, especially public sector unions, with attack lines like “Union bosses buying our politicians” and “union political machine.” They also…

  • Software developers and medical workers should organize for income equality

    I work as a software developer, and I’m thinking that there should be an organization of developers who advocate for income equality. We’re paid well, and some developers earn absurd incomes. The medical field is similar. High finance is even worse. John Oliver reams wealthy, entitled ‘dweebs’ at tech awards show: ‘F*ck you, straight away’.…

  • Dems Larsen, Kilmer, and Heck on list of GOP helpers

    According to  in A List of the Republican “Democrats” Who Fight For Obama’s Secret Trade Deals, And For Wall Street, Washington State Democratic congressmen Rick Larsen, Derek Kilmer, and Denny Heck are among the “Democrats in the House who are not just Members of the NDC  — the New Democrat Coalition — and are “owned…

  • Resolution to Prevent Denial of Lawful Health Care Services in Washington

    (recommended by the King County Democrats Resolution and Platform Committee) WHEREAS hospitals in Washington have increasingly been merging or otherwise affiliating with hospitals or other healthcare systems controlled by the Roman Catholic Church , resulting in nearly half of our state’s hospital beds and patient care having becoming subject to “Ethical and Religious Directives” issued…

  • Sat. Feb 15, help fight for $15, in Seattle

    EIU 775 Headquarters 215 Columbia St. Seattle, WA 98104 Sat. Jan 15 at 2:00 PM From the facebook page: Join 15 Now to launch a group in your neighborhood to educate, mobilize and help raise the Fight for 15 to the next level! The Fight for 15 in Seattle has been gathering momentum, but winning…

  • Prostitution

    See Boeing throwing party to thank lawmakers for $8.7 billion

  • Hey, Americans, let's learn to bow

    According to http://stophandshaking.com/ 80% of all infections are transmitted by hands. According to the CDC scientists estimate that people who are not washing their hands often or well enough are spreading germs. Harmful germs can live on almost everything from doorknobs to animals to food. See too Fear of Germs Threatening the Handshake. So, shouldn’t…

  • Regressivity of proposed Metro funding loomed large at King County Council hearing

    King County Council held a hearing on Metro funding at Union Station in Seattle this evening. The state legislature was unable to come to agreement last year on funding for Metro buses — because Senate Republicans held the transportation package hostage to their demands for  the cost-saving “reforms” that would weaken unions, weaken environmental regulations,…