Reps. Beutler, Hastings, and McMorris-Rodgers sign Koch pledge against climate taxes

The Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity has a project to oppose carbon and other taxes that would address climate change. Oddly, the website is filled with spelling errors and awkward prose: We don’t believe it is appropriate to hide tax hike in environmental bills. … This approach allows us to have open an honest…

Rodney Tom harms the homeless

From Publicola (third item): Word is Sen. Rodney Tom (D-48, Medina), head of the Republican-dominated Majority Coalition Caucus, wanted the bill killed to snub ardent low-income housing advocate and speaker of the house Rep. Frank Chopp (D-43, Wallingford). Bill co-sponsor Sen. Hobbs tells Fizz: “Tom told me and Sen. Benton that he told Angel to…

Bias in headlines about Bill and Hillary Clinton

I often visit to see top stories, and I often notice the bias in headlines. Today, there are grossly conflicting headlines about Mitt Romney’s interview with NBC’s David Gregory. The Daily Caller’s headline reads: Romney: Bill Clinton ’embarrassed the nation, breached his responsibilities as … ‎Gregory asked Romney to respond to Rand Paul’s description…

Freedom Foundation tactics

The Freedom Foundation is bad news. It’s a libertarian think tank based in Olympia whose mission is “to advance individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited, accountable government.” Recently, they’ve been mounting a sustained attack on unions, especially public sector unions, with attack lines like “Union bosses buying our politicians” and “union political machine.” They also…

Software developers and medical workers should organize for income equality

I work as a software developer, and I’m thinking that there should be an organization of developers who advocate for income equality. We’re paid well, and some developers earn absurd incomes. The medical field is similar. High finance is even worse. John Oliver reams wealthy, entitled ‘dweebs’ at tech awards show: ‘F*ck you, straight away’….