How extreme is the GOP?

The Koch brothers are major donators to the GOP.   As Bernie Sanders reports here: Here are just a few excerpts of the Libertarian Party platform that David Koch ran on in 1980: “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.” “We favor the abolition…

Report on the 41st LD Town Hall, and a challenge for Steve Litzow

Turnout was huge at Saturday’s 41st LD Town Hall at Somerset Elementary School in Bellevue. Scores of people were standing around the perimeter of the gymnasium. The largest component of the crowd was school teachers dressed in red, many of them holding signs in favor of fully funding education.  There were scores of teachers outside…

Republicans are raising YOUR taxes, but not the taxes of rich people

Republicans in Washington State are planning to raise your taxes. On Monday, March 2, the State Senate, under control of the Republicans, voted to raise gas taxes by 11.7 cents over three years. Now, in fact, I support raising the gas tax, both because it generates revenue needed for transportation and because it discourages driving,…