Microsoft & Boeing receive billions in tax breaks, fund astro-turf groups

There were big endorsements for Steve Litzow, Jay Inslee and others who support charter schools. The endorsements came from the charter-schools-loving League of Education Voters, which is funded by Microsoft, Boeing, the Seattle Foundation, the Gates Foundation, and others. Follow the money. Boeing and Microsoft enjoy massive tax breaks and use their money to fund…

How conservatives promote prostitution of young women

As reported in Students seeking sugar daddies for tuition, rent, many college students turn to prostitution to pay their education debts. Conservative opposition to taxation causes young women to turn to prostitution to pay for their education.  Why can’t American join the rest of the industrialized world and subsidize education and health care for everyone…

Nazi trolls in a Bernie Sanders area of Second Life

(For a related article see More fun and drama with Bernie Sanders in Second Life.) A Bernie supporter sent me this snippet of overheard conversation: [20:26] Dortha Wildcrest (goodtime69i): our leaders are flesh eating iguanas [20:27] Dortha Wildcrest (goodtime69i): my problem with bernie is [20:27] Dortha Wildcrest (goodtime69i): he thinks the democrat party should adopt…