Be scared: Over half of Trump supporters believe Obama is a Muslim who was born overseas
Is Hillary Clinton Right About Trump Supporters? This Is What The Polling Data Says
Is Hillary Clinton Right About Trump Supporters? This Is What The Polling Data Says
The Tax Evasion Double Standard: How US CEOs Are Withholding Revenue by Thom Hartmann If I refused to pay any taxes until the US government lowered my taxes to a so-called “fair rate,” I’d almost certainly be arrested for tax evasion. But when The Washington Post asked Apple CEO Tim Cook about the billions that…
“When your opponent is drowning, the old saying goes, throw him an anvil. Is Hillary Clinton throwing hers—the Republicans—a life raft instead”, as Kerry and Obama did? Wikileaks emails suggest as much. “Rarely has the tragedy of the Democratic Party across these past several decades of Republican radicalization been rendered in such crystalline form.” Hillary’s…
Source: the Sept 10, 2015 article Pay varies widely for Washington state teachers
This article from The American Prospect traces tells the sordid story about how hedge fund billionaires bankrolled charter schools and teamed with ALEC and the Koch brothers to support union-busting policies and the candidacy of Republican governor Scott Walker. Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) was funded by hedge funders a decade ago. Hedging Education: How…
Documentation: The 62 richest people have as much wealth as half the world and Richest 62 people as wealthy as half of world’s population, says Oxfam.
No New Charter Schools – NAACP Draws Line in the Sand In the education market, charter schools are often sold as a way to help black and brown children. But The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) isn’t buying it. In fact, the organization is calling for a halt on any new…