The straw that may break the donkey's back: can Democrats defend Obama?

Since the election loss last year, a deepening sense of dread and fear has descended upon many Democrats. The right wing juggernaut seems unstoppable. Emboldened conservatives are succeeding with their plan to drown government in a bathtub.  They are in the process of dismantling decades of progressive legislation and reform. The transfer of wealth and…

MoveOn steps in to fill the vacuum, targets Dave Reichert

There’s a leadership vacuum on the Left, due to the centrism of President Obama, Governor Gregoire, and the leadership of the Democratic Party. Recently has stepped in to fill that vacuum and has been successful at garnering citizen participation and media coverage. Dozens of new people showed up at recent MoveOn house meetings I…

Obama the Centrist

John McCain, in Obama is a Centrist, says “The president has become more centrist, which makes him easier to work with.” Paul Krugman, in The Centrist Cop-Out, says “President Obama initially tried to strike a ‘Grand Bargain’ with Republicans over taxes and spending. To do so, he not only chose not to make an issue…

Saturday: Celebrate Medicare's 46th Birthday — Downtown Seattle

At a time, when we are facing the most serious threat to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in our life times, let your voice be heard!   Come Celebrate Medicare’s 46th Birthday — Downtown Seattle – Medicare Birthday Party – March/Parade/Music/Street Theatre No Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security!             When: Saturday,…

Now is the time to be angry and to act: protests are getting coverage

Take over your LD!  Educate the public about the harmfulness of conserva-think. Protests at congressional offices have been getting a lot of press coverage. King 5 video on visits to McDermott, Smith & Reichert; MoveOn was mentioned Reichert’s remarks (let the system work) didn’t address the issues. Article w/pics about Reichert visit – MoveOn…

First face the facts

On the way to work yesterday, a young (drunk) guy and his girlfriend got on the bus, after putting their bicycles on the bike rack next to mine.  When the young guy heard me discussing politics with the bus driver, he said, “Well, we oughta half the size of government, ’cause the politicians are screwing…