The Teflon Don and the Triumph of the Republican Noise Machine

The 2016 presidential election was a battle of negatives. Despite Trump’s numerous well-known negatives — including a history of racist and sexist insults, inexperience in politics, impetuousness, sexual scandals, mediocre performance at the debates, and a 70% untrue rating from PolitiFact — Trump managed to convince almost a majority of voters that he was the…

Obama and other reasons for the election debacle

The emerging consensus of commentators is that Trump won because of populist disgust with politics as usual, because of hatred of Hillary,  and because of economic hardship that Trump was able to blame on immigrants, trade deals, regulations, and corrupt elites.  Trump pledged to “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C., and people thought Hillary was…

We Told You So!

We Berniecrats warned people, during the primary, that Hillary was vulnerable, that Bernie would more easily beat Trump. Indeed, Bernie warned the Democrats on August 28, 2015: Let me be very clear. In my view, Democrats will not retain the White House, will not regain the Senate, will not gain the House and will not…

Billionaires trying to buy a Supreme Court seat

Billionaires pour money into state Supreme Court race Will campaign cash corrupt the state Supreme Court? Here’s Why You Should Care About the Tech and Finance Billionaires Trying to Influence State Judicial Races These are the same billionaires who corrupted our legislature and pressured legislators to support an unconstitutional charters school bill last session, SB…

Quick Link: Bill Gates backs climate denier Judge David Larson for Washington State Supreme Court position

As reported in Bill Gates backs climate denier Judge David Larson for Washington State Supreme Court position Gates is so blinded by his desire to have charter schools in our state that he doesn’t seem to be concerned with the qualifications of an individual who will potentially participate in setting policy affecting education in in…

Will Wikileaks help the Republicans and the military-industrial complex?

It will be ironic if Wikileaks — which was supposed to expose and undercut the power of the military-industrial complex — helps Republicans win the 2016 election. The revelations about the DNC, about Clinton’s Wall Street speeches, and about private emails may flip the election to Trump. At the very least, the revelations will harm…