Washington Liberals

Author: Don Smith

  • Steve and Connie Ballmer’s political contributions

    I downloaded from the state Public Disclosure Commission a database listing contributions to political campaigns and initiatives. The database is for direct contributions to candidates and initiative campaigns. It excludes independent expenditures. So the data shown below are incomplete, but still, I hope, enlightening. You can see in the table below that the Ballmers donated…

  • Video of Trump encouraging violence

    Source: Shocking Supercut Shows Trump Encouraging Violence Again And Again And Again

  • On political struggle and spiritual acceptance

    Ady Barkin wrote an essay in The Nation, I’m Dying. Here Is What I Refuse to Accept With Serenity, about politics, spirituality, and dying. At age 32 he was diagnosed with ALS, and within a few years he was unable to feed himself. He dictated the essay to a friend because he was unable to…

  • The Logic of Lesser-of-two-evilism

    Suppose you are being held hostage by deranged criminals who give you an ultimatum: tell them your bank pin number, social security number and other identifying information, or they’ll rape your wife and daughters and mutilate you. As a matter of principle, you oppose giving away your money to criminals — a clear evil. But…

  • Repugs, Dumbs, and Dumbers: a rant

    If you have half a brain and half a conscience you know that most Republican politicians promote repugnant policies that increase inequality, bankrupt the economy, destroy the environment, and promote militarism. They lie, distort and resort to racism, xenophobia, dirty tricks and criminal activity.  They put children in cages. They antagonize our allies and cozy…

  • Freedom Foundation protest coverage by the Bellevue Reporter

    On September 28, hundreds of people protested the annual dinner of the Freedom Foundation in Bellevue, where the guest speaker was renowned racist Dinesh D’Souza. The Bellevue Reporter print edition had an excellent piece about the protest, including content critical of D’Souza and Trump. Oddly, though, the Bellevue Reporter website doesn’t, as of the time…

  • An example of how Repugs want government to fail

    Cities Are Teaming Up to Offer Broadband, and the FCC Is Mad City governments can offer Internet faster and cheaper than the private market can. Repugs hate this idea because it contradicts their deeply held dogmas. The same is true for health care: government-run systems in Europe are cheaper and have better outcomes.

  • God Save America (sung to the tune of God Bless America)

    God save America from Donald Trump. Cast aside him And deride him We must fight ‘gainst the blight from the Right. From his lying to his fondling to his corruption What a scum! God save America From Donald Trump. God save America From Donald Trump.

  • Here come the anti-I1631 ads from the oil companies

    The Western States Petroleum Association sent me a glossy attack ad about the carbon tax initiative: Inside the fold, it warns of higher prices. Just this morning I got email from the YesOn1631 group saying: Big oil is trying to buy this election. Chevron has contributed $500,000. Tesoro has contributed $4,362,827. BP has contributed $6,443,709.…

  • Should a progressive vote for Adam Smith or for Sarah Smith in the 9th CD?

    I’m on the fence about whether to vote for Adam Smith or Sarah Smith for Congress this year. In short, Adam Smith has more experience, will have more power if elected,  has a decent but mixed voting record, and has moved left as his district has become more progressive. Sarah Smith would more strongly work…