Washington Liberals

Author: Don Smith

  • Visualization of U.S. Military Bases (Version 2)

    This is a 3d visualization of U.S. military bases worldwide. The data is approximate and does not cover all bases. Source of data: https://public.opendatasoft.com/explore/dataset/military-bases/export/ https://worldbeyondwar.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/basesabroad.xlsx https://worldbeyondwar.org/bases/ Suggestions for improvements?

  • A Warning, by Anonymous: a summary

    Anonymous, a self-styled “senior Trump administration official,” has written a book A Warning (Hachette Book Groups, Inc., 2019) as a follow-up to his (or her) September, 2018 op-ed in the New York Times, “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration.” Anonymous describes himself as a committed Republican and not a never-Trumper. He…

  • Donald and Melania Trump’s Christmas message to America

  • Disastrous NDAA: “near complete capitulation”

    The National Defense Authorization Act bill negotiated by Rep. Adam Smith and passed by the House Dec 11, 2019 (377 to 48) was an almost total sellout to the the MIC and the Republicans. The NY Times article House Passes $738 Billion Military Bill With Space Force and Parental Leave says: Mr. Trump appeared to…

  • The Dems caved in on important NDAA amendments

    (Revised 2019-12-10) Democratic negotiators have agreed on a NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) that omits all or most of the progressive anti-war amendments they had proposed earlier this year. The version passed by the House of Representatives this summer had amendments for restricting participation in Saudi Arabia’s war with Yemen, withdrawing the Authorization for Military…

  • Bernie in the Oval Office versus Trump in the Oval Office

    Much better than:

  • Thoughts on the survey from Rep. Adam Smith

    I got constituent email from Rep. Adam Smith that included a link to a survey about what issues are important to me as a constituent. The survey page asks “What issues matter most to you that you would like updates on?” and lists the following issues and no others. Taking meaningful steps to fight climate…

  • The Scale of the Universe of Money

    Military budget of the United States Tuition-Free College Could Cost Less Than You Think Fortune 500 Companies Hold a Record $2.6 Trillion Offshore ‘Eye-Popping’: Analysis Shows Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion in Wealth Since 1989 While Bottom Half Lost $900 Billion The Cost to End World Hunger America’s Defense Budget Is Bigger Than You Think

  • Free Stuff: Part 1

    The Pentagon Budget ($700 billion) is about nine times the cost of college tuition for all students ($79 billion)” (source).

  • Report on Rep. Suzan DelBene’s town hall on Nov 9, 2019

    On Saturday, U.S. Represenative Suzan DelBene and State Senator David Frockt partipated in a town hall meeting in Kenmore, WA. Executive summary: Her responses were all pretty moderate. She opposes Trump and supports the impeachment inquiry but doesn’t seem angry or populist. I was disappointed by her responses to the question about how to defeat…