Washington Liberals

Action: Contact your state rep's to support H.B. 2434 — Washington Investment Trust

Last week Bob Hasegawa introduced House Bill 2434 to create Washington Investment Trust!  44 Washington State House members co-sponsored H.B. 2434.
 Action: Please thank the co-sponsors and urge your state representatives to support WIT.  Find your representatives here:  http://apps.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder/default.aspx
The bill has been referred to the House Business & Financial Services Legislative Committee.  A hearing is expected, date and time tba, please consider attending — numbers count!
 Action: please write to the House Business and Financial Services committee members to urge them to vote in favor of the H.S. 2434.
Action: Please also urge the Governor Gregoire to support the bill: http://www.governor.wa.gov/contact/
 Action: Urge the Treasurer, Jim McIntire James.McIntire@tre.wa.gov to support H.B. 2434.

If you are interested in tracking the bill you can do it here on the legislative website.

Historically, all of the tax dollars in Washington State have been put into the big banks, such as Bank of America.  Our money has generated reliable profits for the banks instead of funding people and projects in Washington State.

The big banks wrecked the economy and created a disaster for the people of Washington State and across the country.  It’s unconscionable and unwise to continue to be dependent upon Bank of America and Chase Manhatton. 

Let’s keep our money working for us in Washington State!

Thank you,
Linda Boyd
Article about WIT from The Olympian:


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