Washington Liberals

Voting Against Proposition 1 Will Cost Drivers Money

According to the Argonne National Laboratory, idling uses 0.2-0.5 gallons/hr, depending on age and make of car. If Proposition 1 fails, count on a minimum of an extra 20,000 cars on the road per day. If you don’t want to pay an extra $40/year to keep those cars off the road, you are going to be paying anyway with higher gas bills, not to mention a lot more aggravation and engine wear and tear.

If you idle an extra 5 minutes a day during your commute, assuming 20 work days per month, you will spend an extra 20 hours per year idling, thus using an extra 4 to 10 galloss of gas a year. At today’s price for regular fuel of $3.65/gallon, that means you will be paying an extra $14.60 to $36.50 per year. Idle an extra 10 minutes a day and you pay $29.20-$73.00 per year

It looks to me like Proposition 1 is a bargain at $40/year, and that’s not counting the low income rebate which you get if you are a single parson earning less that $31K/year or a family earning less than $55K/year.



Geezernomics 101 and Proposition 1

Most seniors will be eligible for car fee rebates under Proposition 1. Dividing senior housholds into quintiles, the lowest quintile has incomes from $0 to $12,080, the second quintile incomes from $12,080 to $19,980, the middle quintile from $19,980 to $31,300, the second highest fifth from $31,300 to $55,890 and the top fifth over $55,890

You get a low income rebate if you are a single parson earning less that $31K/year or a family earning less than $55K/year. This means that 60% of single seniors and 80% of couples will be eligible for the rebate.

The data on household income is from Economic Status of the Elderly in the United States, by Virginia P. Reno and Benjamin Veghte

National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI)
1776 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 615
Washington, DC 20036
www.nasi.org 202-452-8097

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