The Western Washington Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program held its Ninth Annual Public Meeting on Saturday, July 19th, at Kane Hall, on the University of Washington Campus.
The theme of the meeting was: Health Care is a Human Right: Making It Real in Washington State. Here are videos of the speakers:
•Health Care is a Human Right! – A Principled Approach
Martha Schmidt, LL.M.
•Guest Speaker
Philip Caper, MD
•Congressman Jim McDermott
Presenting the 2014 Dr. John Geyman Health Justice Advocate Award
•The Health Care is a Human Right – Washington Campaign
Statement from Jeff Johnson, President WA State Labor Council
Read by David McLanahan, Co-Founder & Coordinator, PNHPWW
•Keynote Address
Kshama Sawant, PhD, Seattle City Councilmember