Washington Liberals

Trick-or-treat aboard Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior Oct 31, Nov 2 &3 in Vancouver, WA

Trick-or-treat aboard the Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior!

When: Thursday, October 31, 2013, 11:00am until 3:00pm.
Where: Vancouver Landing, West of 100 Columbia St., Vancouver, WA 98660

Click for the Facebook page of the event.

Rainbow Warrior

Open Boat Tour of the Rainbow Warrior

When : Saturday, November 2, 2013: 10am-5pm  and Sunday, November 3, 2013: 10am-5pm
Where:  Vancouver Landing West of 100 Columbia St., Vancouver, WA 98660

You are invited aboard our state of the art sailing ship, the Rainbow Warrior, for a free tour. This 190 ft. ship is the newest generation of Greenpeace’s historic fleet and includes some of the most environmentally-friendly sailing technology available.

More info and RSVP here.

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