Washington Liberals

Rocky Anderson's plans for the Justice Party

Today the Justice Party sent out the following email to supporters.

As you probably know, the newly created Justice Party is running Rocky Anderson for President this year. However, this is just the beginning of our activity to create a progressive alternative to the two-party system which serves the interests of the 1%, dragging our country ever more rightward. The Justice Party will be holding a national convention not long after the November election to chart a course toward building the independent progressive electoral movement. Throughout the country, we shall be running candidates at the local and state level next year, and in 2014 we shall be fielding candidates for Congress and the Senate. I am writing to invite you to join the Justice Party and take part in this effort.

The Justice Party has two categories of membership. Full Members commit to playing an active role in Justice Party work. They are invited to subscribe to the Member Listserv for information and discussion concerning organizational matters, and they are entitled to vote at National Conventions. Sustaining Members are those who wish to support the Justice Party monetarily or with their time, but are unable commit to playing a more active role in the party. They will be kept fully informed of relevant Justice Party activity, and they may be consulted on Party matters, but they cannot vote at National Conventions.

There are two ways to join the (national) Justice Party as a Full Member. Any member of an affiliated state Justice Party is automatically a Full Member of the national party; state parties set their own criteria for membership. Or, you can become an individual Full Member of the Justice Party, either by making a monetary contribution of at least $10 to the national party, or by putting in at least five hours (per year) of volunteer time to support Justice Party candidate campaigns or otherwise engaging in activity to build the Justice Party. I’ve appended information on how to make a donation.

To join the Justice Party as an individual member, please send an email to me at membership@justicepartyusa.org stating that you wish to join and, if you are joining as a Full Member, how you have satisfied the membership requirement. I’ll need your contact information.

Best wishes,
Dave Jette
National Membership Coordinator, Justice Party
Treasurer, Justice Party
Member, National Steering Committee of the Justice Party

The Justice Party is gaining momentum. Here in Washington State, volunteers have collected signatures for ballot access and authored founding documents. Rocky was enthusiastically welcomed at events in Seattle and Olympia. He is on the ballots in Mississippi and Utah, received the Progressive Party nomination in Oregon and the Independent Party Nomination in New Mexico. Rocky won the primary election for the Peace and Freedom Party in California. A road team has mobilized to help with ballot access in other states.

Together we can have an impact on political dialogue and action as more people reject the corrupting influence of money in politics, endless wars of aggression, an inadequate health system, a dangerous lack of action on climate change, and ever worse violations of human rights. The Justice Party was established to do the work that the entrenched and corrupted two party system refuses to do. This is pure people power, moving forward.

Won’t you support us and help shape a better future?

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