Progressive Radio Forum this Wednesday in Seattle
Next Progressive Radio Forum this Wed. Hope to see you there! Tweets, Posts & Chat: Progressive Radio in the Social Media Age Wednesday, March 26, 7:00 to 9:00 pm Impact Hub Seattle 220 Second Avenue South, Seattle Accessible building served by major bus routes http://www.impacthubseattle.com Featuring: independent journalist Mark Taylor-Canfield (http://facebook.com/mtaylorcanfield), a regular contributor to…
"Substantial reason to believe" allegations against Rep. McMorris Rodgers
ABC New is reporting: The onetime employee was Todd Winer, a former spokesman for McMorris Rodgers who told the ethics office that he wrote campaign speeches for her on his work computer during business hours, and that he and other staffers frequently wrote news releases and did other work for the campaign on government time.…
Workshops and Moisture Festival
April 26th & 27th How Can We Resist Oppression, Stand with Allies, Act in Solidarity, and Fight for Dignity & Collective Liberation? Please fill out this supremely short survey on what Anti-Oppression workshops interests you most- SURVEY HERE If we are going to create the world we yearn for, we need to build social movements…
T.U.I.F.: Thank Unions It's Friday
People often say. T.G.I.F. (Thank God It’s Friday.) But it’s the labor movement that brought us five day work weeks. So I propose T.U.I.F: Thank Unions It’s Friday
Joan McBride: I am a Democrat and a progressive
Former Kirkland mayor Joan McBride spoke Sunday at the Legislative Action Committee meeting of the King County Democrats. McBride is challenging Rodney Tom for the state senate seat in the 48th LD. Contrary to rumors that had been spreading around facebook, Ms. McBride never was a Republican. She is apparently a real Democrat and a…
Fact-checking a claim about Koch versus union spending
I signed a petition from Credo Action “urging PBS affiliate WGBH to remove David Koch from the Board of Trustees and Science Visiting Council because of his anti-science positions.” After I signed the petition, it through up a fund-raising appeal from ActBlue containing the following claim: The Koch brothers spent over $400 million in 2012—more…
Save Our Metro Campaign Kickoff next Monday, March 17!
Next Monday, come on out and help Transit Riders Union get this campaign rolling. Â To save our bus service and win an affordable reduced fare, we as transit riders need to do more than vote yes on April 22 – we need to get out on the buses and at the bus stops, register new…
Use boycotts and protests to oppose tax avoidance
Americans for Tax Fairness sent me email asking me to sign a letter demanding: Credit Suisse CEO Brady Dougan: Release the Names of American Tax Dodgers. How about setting up a boycott of Swiss products, tourism, athletes, conferences, academics, etc? And protest around the Swiss embassy in D.C. and consulates? Similar actions against companies like…