Dems' Resolution Opposing Common Core Standards

WHEREAS the copyrighted (and therefore unchangeable) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a set of controversial top-down K-12 academic standards that were promulgated by wealthy private interests without research-based evidence of validity and are developmentally inappropriate in the lowest grades; and

WHEREAS, as a means of avoiding the U.S. Constitution’s 10th Amendment prohibition against federal involvement in state education policy, two unaccountable private associations–the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)–have received millions of dollars in funding from the Gates Foundation and others to create the CCSS; and

WHEREAS, we are in favor of standards, in particular the former Washington State standards set by educators, parents and students; and

WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Education pressured state legislatures into adopting the Common Core State Standards and high-stakes standardized testing based on them as a condition of competing for federal Race to the Top (RTTT) stimulus funds that should have been based on need; and

WHEREAS, as a result of Washington State Senate Bill 6669, which passed the State legislature on March 11, 2010, the Office of the Superintendent of Instruction (OSPI) adopted Common Core State Standards (CCSS) on July 20, 2011; and

WHEREAS this adoption effectively transfers control over public school standardized testing from locally elected school boards to the unaccountable corporate interests that control the CCSS and who stand to profit substantially; and

WHEREAS the Washington State Constitution also calls for public education to be controlled by the State of Washington through our elected State legislature, our elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction and our elected local school boards; and

WHEREAS plans for implementation of CCSS assessments in K-12will result in private student data being transmitted to and stored by provate corporations; and

WHEREAS implementation of CCSS will cost local school districts hundreds of millions of dollars to pay for standardized computer-based tests, new technology, new curricula and teacher training at a time when Washington is already insufficiently funding K-12 Basic Education without proven benefit to students; and

WHEREAS for these and other reasons, some states have already withdrawn from CCSS;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we Democrats call upon the Washington State legislature and the Superintendent of Public Instruction to withdraw from the CCSS and keep K-12 education student-centered and accountable to the people of Washington State.

Submitted by Sarajane Siegfriedt, Resolutions Chair,

Passed by the 46th District Democrats October 16, 2014

Amendments suggested by KCDCC Platform & Resolutions Committee 11/11/14

Look who doesn't pay their fair share

Using aggregated income tax data from the IRS for 2012, I calculated some statistics about zipcodes in Washington State and nationally.

As you can see from the first chart near the end of this article, the average income in Medina, WA (home of the world’s richest man, Bill Gates) is $625,056.  That’s over twice the average of Mercer Island, WA (the runner-up in highest income, $279,055).  But Medina residents on average pay a lower percentage (20.9%) of their income in federal taxes than residents of Mercer Island  (21.9%).

The top 0.1% really have it good.

Furthermore, Medina residents earn over 11 times the income of Renton zipcode 98057 (rank 145 in income in WA, with average income $54,575).  But residents of zipcode 98057 pay an average of 14.6% of their taxes in income — not far below Medina’s 20.9%.

The low federal tax rate of the richest zipcodes holds nationwide too. See the second chart below. Miami Beach has the highest average income, $2,694,776, of all US zipcodes. Its average income tax rate is 18.1%, a lower rate than 726 zipcodes, including 67009 (Attica, KS), where the average income is $52,183 and the tax rate is 19.2%.

Moreover, state and local taxes are even more regressive than federal taxes.

For example, Washington State’s tax system depends on the regressive sales tax and the regressive B&O tax (which taxes revenues, not profits, so it benefits profitable corporations such as Microsoft). According to The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy,

Washington State is the most regressive, followed by Florida, South Dakota, Illinois, Texas, Tennessee, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Alabama.

In these “Terrible Ten” states, the bottom 20 percent pay up to six times as much of their income in taxes as their wealthy counterparts.

The graph below from ITEP shows that the richest 1% of Washingtonians pay only about 2.8% of their income in state taxes, while the poorest 20% pay about 16.9%. In short, Washington State’s tax system is insane.

Washington State unfair taxes. Source:
Source: Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy

State and local taxation is broken in all states. “The average overall effective state and local tax rates by income group nationwide are 11.1 percent for the bottom 20 percent, 9.4 percent for the middle 20 percent and 5.6 percent for the top 1 percent”  (source).

For other articles about income inequality and unfair taxation, see Microsoft’s tax avoidance schemes: national and in Washington State and the many links on the left of this website (

Federal income and taxation of Washington State zipcodes, ordered by income

| zipcode | city name    | avg_agi     | avg_income_tax | avg tax % |
| 98039   | Medina       | 625055.7047 | 130773.8255    | 20.9219   |
| 98040   | Mercer Isl   | 279054.9708 |  60988.0535    | 21.8552   |
| 98004   | Clyde Hill   | 252119.2866 |  49879.9879    | 19.7843   |
| 98112   | Montlake     | 251990.0415 |  51571.5353    | 20.4657   |
| 98075   | Sammamish    | 177454.7901 |  32562.6480    | 18.3498   |
| 98074   | Sammamish    | 167987.8199 |  31087.4669    | 18.5058   |
| 98077   | Woodinville  | 167872.8785 |  31831.6140    | 18.9617   |
| 98101   | Seattle      | 167514.2675 |  28698.9809    | 17.1323   |
| 98033   | Kirkland     | 156140.8174 |  28702.7793    | 18.3826   |
| 98006   | Bellevue     | 153601.5211 |  27005.1268    | 17.5813   |
| 98053   | Redmond      | 152248.4324 |  27249.8378    | 17.8983   |
| 98164   | Seattle      | 149236.3636 |  28163.6364    | 18.8718   |
| 98059   | Renton       | 86839.7367 |   12098.5039    | 13.9320   |
| 98056   | Renton       | 69540.7496 |    9055.2052    | 13.0214   |
| 98058   | Renton       | 66855.8474 |    7984.9851    | 11.9436   |
| 98055   | Renton       | 54836.4903 |    5873.4448    | 10.7108   |
| 98057   | Renton       | 54584.8752 |    7983.8473    | 14.6265   |

Note: the numbers in the chart above are subject to the limitations of the data described at the IRS.

Federal income and taxation of US zipcodes, ordered by income

| zipcode | city            | state | avg_agi      | avg_income_tax | avg tax % |
| 33109   | Miami Beach     | FL    | 2694776.0000 |    487364.0000 |   18.0855 |
| 94027   | Atherton        | CA    | 1464534.1615 |    283870.4969 |   19.3830 |
| 19035   | Gladwyne        | PA    | 1052018.6275 |    189653.4314 |   18.0276 |
| 10005   | New York        | NY    |  983553.9427 |    184772.9391 |   18.7863 |
| 33480   | Palm Beach      | FL    |  966673.4767 |    182783.5125 |   18.9085 |
| 94301   | Palo Alto       | CA    |  961332.0377 |    187064.3110 |   19.4589 |
| 11765   | Mill Neck       | NY    |  937793.7500 |    218106.2500 |   23.2574 |
| 10577   | Purchase        | NY    |  897457.2368 |    193642.1053 |   21.5768 |
| 89451   | Incline Village | NV    |  885803.0702 |    153750.4386 |   17.3572 |
| 90067   | Los Angeles     | CA    |  856955.3846 |    191394.1538 |   22.3342 |
| 07976   | New Vernon      | NJ    |  750139.7059 |    167548.5294 |   22.3356 |
| 02493   | Weston          | MA    |  726625.1497 |    153062.8743 |   21.0649 |
| 60043   | Kenilworth      | IL    |  715710.7438 |    162703.3058 |   22.7331 |
| 94028   | Portola Valley  | CA    |  709698.5507 |    138278.2609 |   19.4841 |
| 06831   | Greenwich       | CT    |  685870.4607 |    144678.9973 |   21.0942 |
| 30336   | Atlanta         | GA    |  124445.1220 |     29247.5610 |   23.5024 |
| 33401   | West Palm Beach | FL    |  124373.3691 |     22016.8074 |   17.7022 |
| 48098   | Troy            | MI    |  124117.2380 |     21564.6425 |   17.3744 |
| 07405   | Butler          | NJ    |  123979.9087 |     20853.4247 |   16.8200 |
| 06470   | Newtown         | CT    |  123956.4171 |     20920.0535 |   16.8769 |
| 95140   | Mount Hamilton  | CA    |  123887.5000 |     21518.7500 |   17.3696 |
| 94588   | Pleasanton      | CA    |  123806.2542 |     19697.0410 |   15.9096 |
| 58835   | Arnegard        | ND    |  123682.6087 |     22369.5652 |   18.0863 |
| 01775   | Stow            | MA    |  123599.0991 |     20677.7778 |   16.7297 |
| 35243   | Birmingham      | AL    |  123595.8199 |     22279.0997 |   18.0258 |
| 30005   | Alpharetta      | GA    |  123537.4116 |     20656.2235 |   16.7206 |
| 01730   | Bedford         | MA    |  123536.7407 |     20429.1852 |   16.5369 |
| 35242   | Birmingham      | AL    |  123523.0641 |     21072.2315 |   17.0593 |
| 78266   | San Antonio     | TX    |  123349.0625 |     20543.4375 |   16.6547 |
| 55364   | Mound           | MN    |  123330.9878 |     20931.7997 |   16.9721 |
| 60203   | Evanston        | IL    |  123298.6047 |     20740.9302 |   16.8217 |
| 32502   | Pensacola       | FL    |   76866.2857 |     14134.8571 |   18.3889 |
| 85347   | Roll            | AZ    |   74011.7647 |     14711.7647 |   19.8776 |
| 78401   | Corpus Christi  | TX    |   73380.8642 |     13464.8148 |   18.3492 |
| 16803   | State College   | PA    |   71761.1684 |      9621.4204 |   13.4076 |
| 53517   | Blue Mounds     | WI    |   71760.2273 |      8094.3182 |   11.2797 |
| 83404   | Idaho Falls     | ID    |   71754.7423 |      9188.2474 |   12.8051 |
| 01534   | Northbridge     | MA    |   71754.7368 |      8859.6491 |   12.3471 |
| 98340   | Hansville       | WA    |   71748.3051 |      7938.9831 |   11.0650 |
| 97707   | Bend            | OR    |   71748.2890 |      7984.0304 |   11.1278 |
| 48430   | Fenton          | MI    |   71737.2055 |      9617.2603 |   13.4062 |
| 43915   | Clarington      | OH    |   71728.5714 |     11635.7143 |   16.2219 |
| 67853   | Ingalls         | KS    |   71728.5714 |      9160.0000 |   12.7704 |
| 01543   | Rutland         | MA    |   71725.4545 |      8264.1558 |   11.5219 |
| 95688   | Vacaville       | CA    |   71723.2120 |      8253.4504 |   11.5074 |
| 15017   | Bridgeville     | PA    |   71715.3197 |      9552.4729 |   13.3200 |
| 17112   | Harrisburg      | PA    |   71698.6279 |      9335.4007 |   13.0203 |
| 35757   | Madison         | AL    |   71687.8234 |      8283.2572 |   11.5546 |
| 67030   | Colwich         | KS    |   71682.6446 |      8410.7438 |   11.7333 |
| 12008   | Alplaus         | NY    |   71675.0000 |      8662.5000 |   12.0858 |
| 67009   | Attica          | KS    |   52182.8571 |     10011.4286 |   19.1853 |
| 66440   | Hoyt            | KS    |   49995.7895 |      4030.5263 |    8.0617 |
| 85373   | Sun City        | AZ    |   49992.0716 |      4480.0512 |    8.9615 |
| 66852   | Gridley         | KS    |   49984.3750 |      5137.5000 |   10.2782 |
| 84532   | Moab            | UT    |   49982.1577 |      5352.2822 |   10.7084 |
| 28445   | Holly Ridge     | NC    |   49981.7109 |      5086.7257 |   10.1772 |
| 40076   | Waddy           | KY    |   49978.8618 |      4731.7073 |    9.4674 |
| 76901   | San Angelo      | TX    |   49978.8580 |      5685.9568 |   11.3767 |
| 61348   | Oglesby         | IL    |   49978.8382 |      4587.9668 |    9.1798 |
| 49403   | Conklin         | MI    |   49975.8333 |      4524.1667 |    9.0527 |
| 12748   | Jeffersonville  | NY    |   49975.5319 |      5094.6809 |   10.1944 |
| 04530   | Bath            | ME    |   49975.2311 |      4910.9057 |    9.8267 |
| 21234   | Parkville       | MD    |   49974.2703 |      4646.3304 |    9.2974 |
| 75423   | Celeste         | TX    |   49972.7273 |      4830.0000 |    9.6653 |
| 46825   | Fort Wayne      | IN    |   49972.5714 |      5614.5000 |   11.2352 |

Here’s the SQL query I ran to generate the above data:

select i.zipcode,,z.state,
1000*sum(agi)/sum(number_of_returns) as avg_agi,
1000*sum(income_tax)/sum(number_of_returns) as avg_income_tax,
100*sum(income_tax)/sum(agi) as 'avg tax %'
from irs.taxes i join zipcodes.zipcodes z on ( and i.state=z.state)
group by i.zipcode
order by avg_agi DESC;

Another tidbit: Here are 24 zipcodes with average AGI below $100k but with income tax rate above that of Miami Beach’s 18.0855%

| zipcode | city           | state | avg_agi    | avg_income_tax | avg tax % |
| 58630   | Gladstone      | ND    | 98290.6250 |     24565.6250 |   24.9928 |
| 78014   | Cotulla        | TX    | 99251.7413 |     21498.0100 |   21.6601 |
| 98134   | Seattle        | WA    | 91073.2143 |     19208.9286 |   21.0917 |
| 78151   | Runge          | TX    | 92288.8889 |     19431.7460 |   21.0553 |
| 32686   | Reddick        | FL    | 96673.2955 |     20232.9545 |   20.9292 |
| 78118   | Karnes City    | TX    | 95755.4404 |     19699.4819 |   20.5727 |
| 07024   | Fort Lee       | NJ    | 96107.9690 |     19633.6469 |   20.4287 |
| 85347   | Roll           | AZ    | 74011.7647 |     14711.7647 |   19.8776 |
| 58763   | New Town       | ND    | 94751.7241 |     18370.1149 |   19.3876 |
| 57471   | Roscoe         | SD    | 92829.4118 |     17832.3529 |   19.2098 |
| 67009   | Attica         | KS    | 52182.8571 |     10011.4286 |   19.1853 |
| 78373   | Port Aransas   | TX    | 98896.2085 |     18970.1422 |   19.1819 |
| 37219   | Nashville      | TN    | 91108.5714 |     17277.1429 |   18.9632 |
| 77954   | Cuero          | TX    | 81051.9651 |     15079.0393 |   18.6042 |
| 75202   | Dallas         | TX    | 92960.1190 |     17285.7143 |   18.5948 |
| 12720   | Bethel         | NY    | 97626.6667 |     18066.6667 |   18.5059 |
| 32502   | Pensacola      | FL    | 76866.2857 |     14134.8571 |   18.3889 |
| 78401   | Corpus Christi | TX    | 73380.8642 |     13464.8148 |   18.3492 |
| 06510   | New Haven      | CT    | 91452.7397 |     16777.3973 |   18.3454 |
| 03462   | Spofford       | NH    | 82387.0588 |     15104.7059 |   18.3338 |
| 67202   | Wichita        | KS    | 86652.3256 |     15876.7442 |   18.3224 |
| 43779   | Sarahsville    | OH    | 82351.1111 |     15060.0000 |   18.2875 |
| 75038   | Irving         | TX    | 84558.6159 |     15456.1246 |   18.2786 |
| 43754   | Lewisville     | OH    | 86227.8689 |     15650.8197 |   18.1505 |

The nation is progressive!

Once again, our nation, which largely holds progressive values has not shown them at the ballot box. Our party’s message and messaging, campaign techniques, and ability to deliver on its (vague) promises must all be called into question.

Exit polling done Tuesday revealed that even among the (largely GOP-favoring) voters “A stunning 64 percent said they believe America’s economy ‘favors the wealthy.’ ”

Polling done the week before once again showed that the “middle” is vastly overrated. Of seven options on taxation- “Just over two-thirds — 67 percent — opted for the three options that involved raising taxes on the rich. Only 22 percent chose any of the conservative tax options.” That leaves only 11% (the truly befuddled) in the “middle.”

The article includes a link to the the Oct. 28 NY Times article, “Nothing in Moderation.” that describes the polling more fully.…/peasants-still-have-their-pitchforks/

New research from Berkeley political scientists gave Americans a choice of seven policy options on taxes, with the first three all involving raising taxes on the rich and the last three all involving options that would cut the taxes rich people pay. Americans overwhelmingly chose the first three options. (Photo: Darya Mead/Flickr/cc)

Stand Up For Democracy, Stop the TPP

Backbone Ally, Washington Fair Trade Coalition invites you to Stand Up For Democracy

Join WFTC for Tuesday’s Light Brigade Actions in Seattle and more.
Stop the Sneak Attack on Democracy, Nov. 8-14!
Washington Fair
Trade Coalition
Final WFTC logo
Why Is this Week Important?

Free Trade My Ass

The elections are over, but the International Week of Action (Nov. 8-14) is just beginning.
We need your help to make sure Fast Track doesn’t get pushed through during the Lame Duck Legislative Session.
Join groups across the nation calling for a new, accountable, and democratic process for negotiating trade agreements. Let’s send a message that Washingtonians want trade policy that holds up people and the planet, not just the corporate bottom line.

Make your voice heard

Rep                      Kilmer, Stand Up Against the Corporate Rights                      Grab


1) Sign our PETITION,

2) then CALL or EMAIL your US Representative


Spread the Word

Fast Track vs Lady Liberty

1) Help start the Week of Action with a bang! Click here to join the Thunderclap.

2) Sign up for our social media team, and receive daily sample posts

3) Write your local paper. Contact us to receive a toolkit.


Join us at Rallies and Light Brigades!


Bellingham, November 8, 2 – 6 PM, Holly and Railroad, rally and light brigade! (public)

Olympia, November 10, 5:30 – 7 PM, East Plaza lawn by the Korean War Memorial (public)

Seattle, November 11
, 5 – 6:30 PM, Federal Building at 915 Second Ave (public)

Tacoma, November 12, 7 – 9 PM, Pierce County Central Labor Council (RSVP only)

More event information here.


Support WFTC’s ongoing work: Fair Trade Breakfast, Nov. 19


Join us to celebrate the year’s successes and support Washington Fair Trade Coalition’s ongoing work!
Fair Trade Breakfast Fundraiser
7:30 AM – 9 AM
Wednesday, November 19
IAM District Lodge 751
9125 15th Pl S, Seattle WA

Meet and talk with Celeste Drake, Trade and Globalization Policy Specialist for the AFL-CIO, and Jill Mangaliman, from Got Green. Connect with activists working on the environment, human rights, labor rights, public health, access to medicines, food security, climate change, immigration, internet freedom – any issues that intersect with trade policy.

Buy Tickets Here or RSVP at: / 206.227.3079

No Fast Track by Any Name!


Listen to Howard Dean!

Let’s see, in 2004 the Progressives from both the Dean and Kucinich camps had to threaten the DNC leadership with walking out unless Governor Dean was appointed Chairman. Then within two years the Democrats were back in control of the House.

And in 2008, thanks to Governor Dean’s 50 state program and the Progressives, we took the whole enchilada.

Then before the hangover from election night had passed the Progressives were shown the door. Governor Dean who should been given the HHS cabinet post was told to go F’ himself then a clown like Daschle who was much more eminently qualified (being sarcastic here) was nominated by the president.

So what lesson should we take from this you ask? F ’em. The Democratic Party did not spend a long enough period time on its knees. Initially they embraced the Progressives and we began to influence and shape things. Then, just as soon as they saw light at the end of the tunnel, that ended. So again, f ’em. Let em skate along the bottom for several years or get to the point where another party can surface made up of populists who can break away from the politics of divide and conquer and can coalesce on a few key agenda items.

This is in response to Howard Dean’s comments on Meet the Press:

The biggest problem was message,” Dean said. “Sure it was an off-year and we can make all these excuses. But even through the days of the fifty-state strategy and taking over the House, the Senate, and the White House in four years, I could never get the Washington Democrats to stay on message.”

“The Republican message was ‘We’re not Obama,’ no substance whatsoever,” he continued. “What was the Democrats’ message? ‘Oh, we’re not either.’ You cannot win if you are afraid! Where was the Democratic party? You gotta stand for something if you’re gonna win!”

Howard Dean

TPP Protest, Federal Office Bldg, Seattle, Tues Nov 11, 5PM

Both parties may be counting on us to be exhausted and out of the loop when it comes to this ghastly Trade Agreement which has been kept out of the public eye. And in the spirit of compromise, it could easily be passed to show a country weary with gridlock that compromise is possible. Furthermore our representatives from WA believe that TRADE is good for our State which it is. BUT now is not the time to compromise on this potential corporate take-over.

Why can’t our trade negotiators deliver a trade policy that raises living standards in communities at home and abroad? Following the 2014 elections the U.S. government is going to make a push to pass the new mega-trade agreement, the Trans Pacific Partnership, using Fast Track. This agreement, negotiated by corporate lobbyists while the public is kept in the dark, threatens everything from food safety and access to medicines to green energy policy, internet freedom, and labor rights. It also gives corporations ‘investor-states’ rights so they can sue localities, countries, states for depriving them of their hypothetical profits if they insist on sticking to the democratically-determined laws and regulations.

Everything we work for [GMO labeling, environmental protection, food-safety laws] can be overturned or cost us millions of dollars in ‘damages’ we will pay to these corporations!!! We need a new, transparent, accountable, and democratic process, not an antiquated and extreme Fast Track procedure. Help us send a message that Washingtonians want trade policy that lifts up people and the planet, not just the corporate bottom line!

As if pushing Fast Track for a secretive pact weren’t bad enough, the corporations behind the TPP are now hoping to sneak the Fast Track vote into the Lame Duck session — after the elections, when political accountability is at its lowest. The good news is that we’ve stopped Fast Track before and we can do it again. If we all speak out loudly enough, we can derail Fast Track this November and into the future. Join groups across Washington State and the U.S. to Stop the Sneak Attack on Democracy!

Rep. McDermott, Stop the Sneak Attack on Democracy! a Light Brigade Action
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014
5 – 6:30 PM
Federal Building, 915 Second Ave, Seattle

We will be outdoors, so dress for the weather. We will have light boards, flashlights, petitions, and more information on how to stay involved and next steps in the campaign!

The November 8 – 14 Week of Action against Fast Track comes as President Obama and other heads of state visit Asia to discuss the TPP, and right as the Lame Duck session of Congress begins to get underway. It’s a time of year when a lot of people take a break after the elections, and start getting ready for the holidays. We need your help remaining vigilant so that Fast Track does not sneak through then or ever.

And if you can’t make this event – Sign our PETITION to Stop Fast Track and the TPP!
• Here is the link to our petition:
• We ask that you circulate this link to your contacts so that we can gather as many signatures as possible.

Stop the TPP -- the ultimate corporate power grab

Sustainable Path: Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest

Forum on Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest hosted by Sustainable Path Foundation, Oct 28, 2014 at Town Hall.

With last summer’s large wildfires, global warming’s likely effects in the Northwest are becoming increasingly discussed. This panel discussion will analyze local climate change trends in our region, and give insight into how these will shape the Pacific Northwestern lifestyle. Hear about current local efforts underway to prepare for these changes, and learn more about what actions to take to make a difference in the future of regional climate change.

SPEAKERS: Dr. Amy Snover, University of Washington, Director, Climate Impacts Group Dr. Crystal Raymond, Seattle City Light, Strategic Advisor – Climate Change Adaptation Rhys Roth, Director, Center for Sustainable Infrastructure, Evergreen State College

– See more at:…

Dems should run candidates with prior experience at winning in local races

Remember this list of all the Democratic Races in Eastern WA I posted on facebook a number of days ago? With the results in ….. the most obvious common denominator among ALL these races is that the Democratic candidates with NO ELECTED OFFICE EXPERIENCE ….. LOST by wide margins …. while those with experience …. mostly incumbents …. WON handily. The only exception being Paul George who had been a Yakima Councilman, lost to GOPer business woman McCabe who never won an elected office prior to her run for the House seat in the 14th. As I’ve said repeatedly … Republicans can get away with it …. Democrats can’t.

We need to start with a “Clean Sheet of Paper” and throw out a strategy of endorsing and supporting anyone who waltzes in with their hand raised or is persuaded at the last minute …. with a “D” behind their name and NO ELECTED OFFICE EXPERIENCE! It’s no surprise it didn’t work this time and hasn’t worked for the past 20+ years!

Doesn’t anyone get tired of losing? It’s as if EaWA Democrats REFUSE to learn from their failure …… doing the same thing election after election. Why?

WON 3rd LD House – Tim Ormsby* vs Libertarian no elected office experience
WON 3rd LD House – Marcus Recelli* vs GOP no elected office experience
Lost 6th LD Senate – Rich Cowen -no vs GOP INCUMBENT
Lost 6th LD House – Donald Dover -no vs GOP INCUMBENT
Lost 6th LD House – Steve Siegfreid** -no vs GOP INCUMBENT
Lost 8th LD Senate – Doug McKinley -no vs GOP INCUMBENT
Lost 8th LD House – Eric Kalia -no vs GOP INCUMBENT
Lost 14th LD House – Paul George*** vs GOP no elected office experience
Lost 15th LD House – Martinez-Chavez -no vs GOP INCUMBENT
Lost 15th LD Senate – Gabriel Munoz -no vs GOP INCUMBENT
Lost 16th LD House – Frank Blair** -no vs GOP INCUMBENT
Lost 5th Cong Dist – Joe Pakootas -no vs GOP INCUMBENT

-no = NO elected office experience
*** = Democrat WITH previous non-partisan elected public office experience
** = Democrat Write-in
* = Incumbent DEMOCRAT!

Plan A, no B

Who's to blame for the 2014 election debacle?

A group called American Voices of Reason posted the following on facebook.

You're fired, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

It is time for Democratic voters to hold party leaders accountable.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a complete FAILURE as leader of the Democratic National Committee.

Republicans now have control of the Senate and they have a record-number of seats in the House. Additionally Republicans are Governors in 30 out of 50 states.

Democrats have a STRONG RECORD over the past six years under President Obama. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz FAILED to highlight the President’s STRONG RECORD.

Democrats should have been running ads featuring people whose lives were saved because they have insurance due to the Affordable Care Act. Democrats should have had ads highlighting the 10 MILLION private sector jobs created in the past 4.5 years.

Is it really the fault of Wasserman-Schultz? I think it’s largely Obama’s fault, for: prosecuting whistle blowers; surrounding himself with Wall Street cronies; continuing and expanding GWB’s military and surveillance policies; promoting a health care plan devised by the Heritage Foundation; failing to prosecute Wall Street criminals and Bush era war criminality, thereby allowing the GOP and its allies to regroup; continuing GWB’s bailout of billionaires instead of homeowners; compromising early and often on numerous issues; appointing Bush hold-overs and centrists as advisers and cabinet members; betraying Democratic constituencies; etc, etc. (See Petition expressing extreme disappointment with President Obama’s policies for a list of betrayals.)

Turnout last week was low — under 37% nationwide and under 50% in Washington State — partly because people voted for Change in 2008 but came to feel betrayed. The country was eager for real Change. The public was disgusted with Republican corruption, mismanagement, and war-mongering. But Obama barely even tried to enact real change. Instead, he aimed for bipartisanship or post-partisanship.  Obama allowed the Tea Party to express populist outrage at government collaboration with plutocrats.  As Obama said of himself, “My policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies … back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican.”

Also, talk about accountability! How about holding Republican criminals accountable? Obama tried to be “bipartisan” with them. He “looked forward” and didn’t want to dig up past wrongdoing. THAT’S why the Dems lost in 2010, 2012, and 2014. Because Obama tried to play nice with those bastards.

Also, didn’t Obama, as leader of the Party, have any sway over Wasserman-Schultz’s approach? I’d presume he did.

It’s true that the Affordable Care Act, despite its many compromises and weaknesses, did represent a step forward on the path to a fairer and more efficient government-managed health care system (as in many countries overseas).  But Democrats nationwide were unable or unwilling to defend it. And the GOP messaging prevailed. Is that Wasserman-Schultz’s fault?  Obama has the bigger bully pulpit.

Obama sometimes is great at messaging. In other ways, he let the GOP define the terms of dialog. And his policies confused the voters.  He allowed the Republicans to control the messaging, with the result that the Dems got the blame for the bad economy and the lack of progress in D.C.   His lame attempts to rise above partisanship were dismal failures.

Had Obama fought hard and lost it would have been better than compromising and repeatedly losing.   He gained almost nothing from his many compromises with the GOP.

Of course, even more than Obama, the Republicans and their billionaire and corporate buddies are to blame for the mess we’re in. But Obama (“the great black hope”) wasn’t up to the battle. He let the GOP messaging prevail, and the Democrats didn’t vote.

When I volunteered to knock on doors for Democratic State Senator candidate Matt Isenhower last weekend, I was sent to an area of Woodinville with stately homes that must cost well over a million dollars each.  (There are lots of Microsoft millionaires in that part of Washington State.)  Though we were supposed to be targeting likely Democratic voters, it seemed many people were for Republican Andy Hill. My point: Like many swing districts, the 45th legislative district has too many rich people to vote reliably Democratic, and the more rural parts of the district, of course, tend to vote Republican.  Democrat Isenhower lost 53% to 47%.

The people need to hear our messaging, especially about economic inequality, so they stop voting against their own self-interest.  It won’t work in wealthy swing districts, but it could work in rural and less wealthy areas.

Yet in Washington State, neither former Governor Christine Gregoire nor current Governor Jay Inslee, both Democrats, have made any significant effort to educate the public about our regressive tax system, which relies on the regressive sales tax and a regressive Business & Occupation tax that favors profitable corporations because it taxes revenue, not profit. In fact, Governor Inslee’s main action since being elected seems to have been to grant Boeing an $8.7 billion tax break — for which Inslee was rewarded by Boeing’s decision to ship more jobs out of state.

As I’ve been saying for the past four years, the situation is grim and is unlikely to get better soon.    Perhaps Elizabeth Warren can revitalize the Democratic Party.  Bernie Sanders is great, but he’s old and I suspect that the US isn’t ready for a Socialist president.

Unfortunately, Hillary is likely to be even more friendly to Wall Street and the military than Obama.  In fact, Rand Paul is running to to the left of Hillary on those two issues. On the other hand, I doubt Hillary would allow the GOP to walk all over her the way Obama did, in his quixotic attempt at post-partisanship.

As a friend pointed out, it’s encouraging that Alan Grayson won in Florida. It’s a sign that a strong progressive who is unafraid to communicate our messages can win.