Republican Talking Heads Claim Talk has no Power to Influence Beliefs and Behavior
Who incited Christian terrorism? Not me. Couldn’t be. In what could be the greatest hypocrisy in a season of head-spinners, Christianist Republicans—from presidential candidates to congressmen to Fox News bimbos to sleazy video-splicers and wild-eyed sidewalk ranters-with-rosaries—are scrambling to deny that what they say actually matters. Specifically they claim that they had nothing to do with a…
Bye bye Bernie (Hillary's dream of winning the nomination)
Bye bye Bernie. The party’s beat you now. Oy vay, Bernie! Time to move to the right. No more faking that I’m a populist. Stop complaining that I’m too corporatist. I love the TPP, Wealth inequality, Wall Street society, Imperialist military! Bye bye Bernie. Bill and I will miss you so. So long Bernie! Time…
Dwight Eisenhower was more of a Socialist than Bernie Sanders
See the text of Bernie Sander’s speech about Democratic Socialism, wherein he writes: I don’t believe government should own the means of production, but I do believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal. I believe in private companies that thrive and invest and…
Eyman has it partly right: Lower the sales tax. The rest…needs some work.
The polls may tell us we’re divided on who to vote for, but in our hearts I think we all want similar things: to ensure kids can get a strong start in life, to have a college degree or a professional trade to be within everyone’s reach, to have clean and safe places to play;…
Bernie Sanders and Foreign Policy
Bernie’s statement on regime change never being a good idea, and mentioning Guatemala, Mossadegh, and Allende is heading toward the vision of what we actually need to do. End our imperial foreign policy, start closing our military bases overseas, focus on our domestic problems. Whether it’s a winning issue with a majority of the public…
What's wrong with Washington State voters? And how can we educate them?
Washington State voters approved Tim Eyman’s latest initiative I-1366 by 51.5% to 48.5% (http://results.vote.wa.gov/results/current/State-Measures-Initiative-Measure-No-1366-concerns-state-taxes-and-fees.html). How many of them realized that the initiative makes it very difficult to eliminate tax loopholes (“preferences”) for special interests? How many of them realized that the state is under court order to find billions of additional dollars to fund education?…