Trump will be elected?
Huffington Post published an article by Michael Rosenblun: Donald Trump Is Going To Be Elected. See also Trump shatters GOP records with small donors. The American people will be losers no matter who wins the POTUS election . The problem, and therefore the solution, lies in the perceived understanding and emotions of those same American…
Steve Litzow: Neck Deep in Debt to the Upper Class (95 second video)
According to letsfreecongress.com, in the 2012 US House elections, 95% of the candidates that outspent their opponents won, and 1% of the donors contributed 68% of the campaign funding. In 2010, spending by Charles and David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity unseated Democrats Eric Oemig and Randy Gordon from the Washington State Senate in the 41st…
Who Funds Steve Litzow's senate campaign?
According to letsfreecongress.com, in the 2012 US House elections, 95% of the candidates that outspent their opponents won, and 1% of the donors contributed 68% of the campaign funding. In 2010, spending by Charles and David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity unseated Democrats Eric Oemig and Randy Gordon from the Washington State Senate in the 41st…
Be scared: Over half of Trump supporters believe Obama is a Muslim who was born overseas
Is Hillary Clinton Right About Trump Supporters? This Is What The Polling Data Says
Quickie link: Tax evasion as a matter of principle
The Tax Evasion Double Standard: How US CEOs Are Withholding Revenue by Thom Hartmann If I refused to pay any taxes until the US government lowered my taxes to a so-called “fair rate,” I’d almost certainly be arrested for tax evasion. But when The Washington Post asked Apple CEO Tim Cook about the billions that…
How Dems help the Repugs
“When your opponent is drowning, the old saying goes, throw him an anvil. Is Hillary Clinton throwing hers—the Republicans—a life raft instead”, as Kerry and Obama did? Wikileaks emails suggest as much. “Rarely has the tragedy of the Democratic Party across these past several decades of Republican radicalization been rendered in such crystalline form.” Hillary’s…
What is Solutionary Rail? Thom Hartmann Show with guest Bill Moyer
Thom Hartmann invited me onto his Tuesday program to speak with him about Solutionary Rail. It was a special honor to be able to talk with Thom about the project. Please check out the interview and then PLEASE forward this to your friends and family. I got to talk with Thom while I was in…
Health Coverage in King County: Progress to date – and steps still to be taken
King County residents, especially those with U.S. citizenship, have benefitted greatly from the expansion of health coverage via the Affordable Care Act. Between April 2014 and March 2016, the number of residents covered through Apple Health (Medicaid) and the Qualified Health Plans offered through the Washington Health Benefit Exchange grew by 55%, from 256,000 to…