Jeffrey Sachs’ damning video about U.S. policy in Ukraine: The U.S. Has Lost its Mind Sachs speaks with Canadian journalists, educating them about U.S. imperialism and lies about Ukraine and criticizing the Canadian government for going along with U.S. policy in Ukraine. Sachs worked (with support from the U.S.) as advisers for Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and several Ukrainian leaders.  In the video he talks about NATO expansion. He says plans…

Comment on Jon Schwarz’s “Today’s Class War Is the 1 Percent Versus the People Just Below Them”

Jon Schwarz in the Intercept wrote an intelligent and innovative essay Today’s Class War Is the 1 Percent Versus the People Just Below Them, in which he summarizes some of the economic history of the United States since World War Two and references Adam Smith’s warnings about the “great proprietors” of feudalism. Schwarz thinks the…

Chat GPT story about the unconventional wisdom of blaming others for your problems

As an ironic half-joke, I asked OpenAI’s Chat GPT-3.5 to “Write a poem about the wisdom of blaming others for your problems.” It refused to do so, even after I said that I know it’s unconventional and I said that many people really are victims and would be happy if they forgave themselves and acknowledged…


Summary of RFK, Jr. interview with Lex Fridman

Kennedy speaks very well, seemingly off the cuff, in this 2.5 hour interview with Lex Fridman: Transcript for Robert F. Kennedy Jr: CIA, Power, Corruption, War, Freedom, and Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast #388 I like Kennedy’s antiwar positions. His antivax activism is concerning (though a lot less concerning than the hawkishness of President Biden…


Scott Ritter allegations against Zelensky

In Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky – Part 1 former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector Scott Ritter accuses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of corruption and of being an agent for British Intelligence. I don’t know what to make of the video. The soundtrack (music with drumbeat)…


WA 40thLD Resolution from 2014 warned about U.S. provocations in Ukraine

RESOLUTION TO 40th LD DEMOCRATS REGARDING SITUATION IN UKRAINE: WHEREAS the conflict in the Ukraine is heating up into a potential major war between nuclear superpowers, and WHEREAS in February of this year,  the U.S. government,  led  by neo-con Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, and Ukraine ambassador Geoffrey  Piatt,   supported the…


New Yorker article on post-Soviet Russia ignores U.S. involvement in 2014 coup and other provocations

In The New Yorker’s How Russia went from Ally to Adversary, (published in the June 19, 2023 print edition as “Eastern Promises”), author Keith Gessen tells some of the history of post-Soviet Russia. Unusual for mainstream journalism, the article indicates that U.S. policy contributed to the rise of Putin and other authoritarian leaders in Russia…

Evidence that U.S. Meddling in Brazilian politics helped elect Bolsonaro

The Intercept reports:    “Keep It Confidential” The Secret History of U.S. Involvement in Brazil’s Scandal-Wracked Operation Car Wash. Leaked conversations between Brazilian officials reveal the inner workings of a secretive collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice on a sprawling anti-corruption effort known as Operation Car Wash. The chats, analyzed in partnership with the…


The New Yorker article on the immigration crisis ignores U.S. responsibility for provoking it

The New Yorker article Biden’s Dilemma at the Border (June 19, 2023), by Dexter Filkins, describes the havoc and suffering caused by the large number of migrants fleeing South America towards the United States. The article says “Some of the biggest groups [of immigrants] were coming from four countries—Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Haiti—with which the…