Favorite Guitar Player?

I love Jerry Garcia, Carlos Santana, Joe Pass, Duane Allman and Dickie Betts as a duo were very fine, but I will choose Pat Metheny.  Pat’s collaboration with Lyle Mays has produced some great stuff. The guy is a fantastic technician on guitar, but it’s more than that.  He plays in the key of hope…

The go-slow approach to fixing Washington State's tax system

A letter to a Democratic activist who called for a go-slow approach to eliminating tax preferences. (For background, see Failed KCDCC Resolution a Good Idea and Fair School Funding Coalition.) Thank you for your well-written and thoughtful analysis.  I admire your commitment to the cause of justness and fairness.  The real “enemy” is conservatives, not…

Can Libya Turn Out Well?

I think from the start of the intervention, the military attack, the outcome in Libya has depended on removing Qaddafi from power. If he stays, he will crush his Libyan opponents at a future time and place. If he stays after the intervention, he will sponsor or cooperate with folks who will launch bombings and…