Letter from Oakland Police Officers' Association

http://www.opoa.org/uncategorized/an-open-letter-to-the-citizens-of-oakland-from-the-oakland-police-officers%E2%80%99-association/ An Open Letter to the Citizens of Oakland from the Oakland Police Officers’ Association 1 November 2011 – Oakland, Ca. We represent the 645 police officers who work hard every day to protect the citizens of Oakland. We, too, are the 99% fighting for better working conditions, fair treatment and the ability to provide…

Occupy Philly calls for Constitutional Amendment

From the General Aseembly in Philly last night Below is the proposal passed last night by overwhelming majority. PLEASE PASS IT ON. Changes made from 10/30/11 General Assembly: Call For a Constitutional Amendment To Purify the American Political Process We of Occupied Philadelphia call for an amendment to the Constitution that would eliminate Corporate Personhood….

Tax the 1%

Organized by Brad Newsham As reported by Susan Harman: The amazing Brad Newsham did it again today. He got 1,000 of us out to Ocean Beach, at the end of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, to lie down on the sand and spell out TAX THE 1%. Two SF Supervisors joined us. I was proud…

Support None of the Above?

The approval rating of Congress is now below 15%, according to several polls, as reported here. No wonder. The corruption, mismanagement, brutality, and stupidity of our political leaders, especially those in Congress, is phenomenal.   People feel that the political system is broken. It’s so corrupted by money, a stacked Supreme Court, vote rigging, and…

What financial crisis?

The collapse of the world financial system is still in full swing.  Good information is thin on the ground because those most culpable are doing their best to hide the full implications of their crimes. No one really knows how many trillions of worthless derivatives were created.  New crisis arise almost daily like mushrooms after…