Get the Money Out of Politics

Get The Money Out Of Politics Two Days of Action and Education Move To Amend – Occupies The Courts – Friday People Ignited Against Citizens United – Saturday January 20 & 21 in Downtown Seattle A broad coalition that includes Occupy Seattle, Move to Amend, Free Speech for People and other organizations is initiating two…

Response to Dwight Pelz Redistricting Statement

The Redistricting Commission has just posted their Redistricting Plan for Washington State’s 10 Congressional Districts. Dwight Pelz has also just issued a statement commending the Commission and claiming that this plan is a great deal for the Democratic Party. I have reviewed the maps and I disagree completely with Dwight Pelz. In fact, the new…

WA State House Ways and Means Chair Ross Hunter's data on state employee compensation

Data on State Employee Compensation Despite conservative claims to the contrary the number of state workers per 1000 residents is decreasing significantly, and state employee wages are not in general higher than private sector workers. “The end result is a 13.5% drop in general government state employees per thousand residents. Total employees, not adjusting for…

99% Choir Forecloses on Bank of America!

A product of Backbone Campaign’s latest creative collaboration with The Other 98%, and our allies at Washington Community Action Network and the Seattle Labor Chorus. For related organizing tools, podcasts, action and training opportunities visit the Backbone Campaign. Our resource page will help those interested in organizing their community to move money out of…