More fliers from neo-Nazi Patriot Front group
A friend reports that the white supremacist group Patriot Front dropped hateful propaganda in neighborhoods and on porches last night in Tacoma, Edmonds, West Seattle, and Bellevue. Nate Bowling has tweeted about this: https://twitter.com/nate_bowling/status/1081959317392093186 Someone else reported seeing them in Olympia. And someone reporting seeing them in Everett. A related group did similar drops in…
3% of U.S. military spending could end starvation on earth
See Statistic on Billboard Explained
Obama: the triumph and the tragedy
Alternative title 1: Why Dems should be furious at Obama Alternative title 2: How Obama brought on Trump Historians will look back at the presidency of Barack Obama as one that was both triumphant and tragic. It was triumphant for the obvious reasons: Obama is a brilliant orator and a decent human being. He is…
Book review: How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything
How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything: Tales from the Pentagon by Rosa Brooks is a wonderfully-written, informative book about the bloated military, its mission creep, and the under-funding of other parts of the government such as the State Department. The book comes with hearty recommendations from General James Mattis, General Stanley McChrystal,…
Lobbying Adam Smith for a sane military budget
According to OpenSecrets, in the 2017 – 2018 campaign cycle, Rep. Adam Smith (D – WA, 9th CD) received contributions of $111,950 from Defense Aerospace corporations, $97,200 from Defense Electronics, and $74,000 from Miscellaneous Defense, for a total of $283,150 from defense related industries. This number includes both direct campaign contributions and PAC contributions. Top…
Balance our Tax Code
https://balanceourtaxcode.com/ has a petition to balance our unfair, regressive tax code. Washington’s tax code is upside down. Washington’s tax code is the most upside down in the nation. Powerful special interests have rigged the system so the rich get richer while working families pay more and more. In Washington, those making the least pay 18%…
Quickie link: I Have Seen the Future of a Republican Party That Is No Longer Insane
I Have Seen the Future of a Republican Party That Is No Longer Insane In my one opportunity to offer a comment, I helpfully suggested that the Republican Party as currently constituted needed (this is a direct quote) “to die in a fire.†The surprising thing is that many of the attendees in the room,…