Tortured history of attempts at establishing an income tax in WA State
HistoryLink.org’s Washington State Taxation
Creating Public Banks, an interview with John Repp & Cindy Cole
The following pdf file explains How the Washington Investment Trust would Create Thousands of Jobs. Please contact your legislators (especially your state senators) and the governor and ask them to support the public bank bill.
Who increased the debt?
But I bet if you asked the public, most people would say that Democrats are more responsible for debt. The GOP is better at propaganda and slogans.
A few interesting news links and a movie review to boot!
Well, the snow is melting, the power is coming back on in the Puget Sound region and the sky was blue yesterday afternoon. The snow was really pretty for a day. then it was really wet and sloppy for a few days. Now it’s gone. Here is a news report from OilPrice.com: Study Finds that…
Quickie: gay marriage is just, but it is a wedge issue
I support efforts to legalize gay marriage in Washington State. However, it’s not at the top of my list of priorities. Legalizing gay marriage may drive a wedge into Democratic constituencies and harm efforts to support economic justice, education, and social services. I fear that lawmakers prefer dealing with wedge issues over economic issues.
100% of South Carolina votes go through SCYTL
The genius of democracy is dispersed public control. As we saw in Iowa when alert public citizens captured evidence of the actual vote count, BEFORE it was reported by a centralized state committee, neither the state Republican Party nor the news media reported the correct results, claiming victory for the wrong winner. In South Carolina,…
Who will lawmakers in Olympia hear? The lobbyists? Or you?
Most legislators aren’t bad people. But, being human, they react to pressure. Because the special interest lobbyists that serve the wealthiest 1% of the population are well-organized and well-paid, our legislators would get an earful if they tried to right some of the wrongs in our state. Whose voices will the legislators hear? The lobbyists?…
Surprise: Al Franken defends SOPA
Al Franken defends the Protect-IP (SOPA) act, saying that it’s necessary to protect intellectual property.  “If this bill really did some of the things people have heard it would do (like shutting down YouTube), I would never have supported it.”    See his website.
Righting the imbalance of our state's tax system
Years ago there was a comic strip named “Pogo.” One of the most insightful strips was a distilled discussion of human foibles, in which Pogo announced, “We have met the enemy and he is us!” When it comes to the national debate over the 99 percent vs. the 1 percent, we may not like the…
The 99% Declaration
http://www.the-99-declaration.org/ “BE IT RESOLVED THAT WE, THE NINETY-NINE PERCENT OF THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in order to form a more perfect Union, by, for and of the People, shall elect and convene a NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY the week of July 4, 2012 in the City Of Philadelphia to prepare and ratify a PETITION…