The narrowing of American opportunity
The drumbeat for economic advancement is filled with warnings that our kids must get a college education to get ahead. So it’s instructive to see where those college educations can lead. Take my friend’s son Dale, for example. He’s 28, with a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Washington. He is highly skilled…
100,000 Strong (The 99% Spring)
From http://the99spring.com/100000-strong-the-99-spring/
Why join the Justice Party and support Rocky Anderson for President
Remember hearing in grade school, “That’s not fair.â€Â That’s what justice is all about. Our so call Justice System should really be called our Injustice system. Over and over poor people, people of color, both brown and black, go to jail for years in many cases for petty and nonviolent crimes when compared to the…
Join the Party!
By Betty Bowers
Inpsire Seattle social forum and potluck on March 31, topic: the execution of Troy Davis
InspireSeattle invites YOU to join us at our Social Forum and potluck:Â Saturday, March 31st at 6:30PM. Main discussion topic for this evening:Â TROY DAVIS: THE HUMAN FACE OF THE DEATH PENALTY We have scored again and have a great speaker: Â Jen Marlowe, author/filmmaker/playwright and human rights advocate, to discuss the recent execution of Troy…
Ellen Brown on how banks rip off municipalities via interest rate swaps
Excerpts from Ellen Brown’s WALL STREET CONFIDENCE TRICK: How “Interest Rate Swaps” Are Bankrupting Local Governments:  It was a deliberate, manipulated move by the Fed, acting to save the banks from their own folly in precipitating the credit crisis of 2008.  The banks got in trouble, and the Federal Reserve and federal government rushed in to bail…
Link: Joel Connelly on 1st CD debate in Everett
The supplicants and the U.S. House seat Seattle P-I reporter Joel Connelly covers a debate among 1st CD candidates. Compare my review of an earlier 1st CD debate in Seattle: Darcy Burner and Roger Goodman shine at MDC candidates forum.
Charter schools worse than public schools
David Sirota reports in Charter schools: No silver bullet: In recent years, major studies suggest that, on the whole, charter schools are producing worse educational achievement results than traditional public schools. For example, a landmark study from Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes discovered that while 17 percent of charter schools “provide superior…
Romney with his Etch A Sketch ™ in 2002 and 2012
On YouTube, RomneyRobot made this: And americanbridge21 made: