Cindy Sheehan to speak at 7pm, Wednesday 27th June, at University Temple Methodist Church
Real Change News and Rev. Richard Lang report: Jesuit priest, poet and activist Daniel Berrigan once said, “If you want to follow Jesus, you better look good on wood.†With a multitude of arrests and prison confinements for his radical stand against war, Berrigan was a role model for words. Cindy Sheehan, who once worked as…
Thurston Public Power Initiative!
The campaign to get the Thurston County Public Power Initiative on the ballot is rumored to have collected more than 11K signatures! It should be assumed that there are hundreds of invalid, duplicate signatures, so the campaign continues. We need to round up a couple thousand more signatures to make sure that the public power…
Montana governor and lieutenant governor call for overriding Citizens United
The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision allowed corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence our elections. As a result, our democracy is being sold to the highest bidder. The evidence of corruption is mounting every day, but the Supreme Court just said, in effect, “tough luck, go home, corporations rule.” They refused even…
Every Republican Who Signed the Norquist Tax Pledge Violated Their Oath of Office
Every Republican Who Signed the Norquist Tax Pledge Violated Their Oath of Office … It is treasonous then, to also pledge an oath to a domestic enemy of the United States government whose stated purpose is not to “abolish government, but to drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub,†because “our…
Accenture hits Black Box Voting with cease and desist order
[Last week Black Box Voting published the faulty software for Accenture’s voting system — see Actual Accenture voter list software.] Amazingly, Accenture, which sold its crap-on-a-stick high-school sophomoric completely insecure malfunctioning voter registration software to a bunch of states, so unsuccessfully that Colorado refused to pay and others, like Wisconsin and Shelby County, bought out the…
Rocky Anderson explains his support for gay rights
Rocky on NM ballot. WA State next!
Tomorrow Justice Party of Washington State expects to finish collecting enough signatures to complete ballot access.  Then WA State will have official state party status, and we can place a vote for Rocky! Please email if you can join us to collect signatures at the Seattle Pride Festival tomorrow, Sunday, June 24th.  We’re meeting at Cafe…