The End of Loser Liberalism
Economist and Co-Founder of The Center for Economic and Policy Research Dean Baker has released a free, online edition of his book The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive “Progressives need a fundamentally new approach to politics. They have been losing not just because conservatives have so much more money and power, but also…
Quickie link: Romney in London to raise money from scandal-ridden bankers
Mitt Romney’s Bankster Ball “Mitt Romney will show his true colors tonight, when he slips behind closed doors in a foreign capital to collect money from international bankers who are mired in scandal.”
Saturday on Al Jazeera, Inside Story — Poverty in America
Rocky Anderson – Justice Party Presidential Candidate 2012 Cornel West – American philosopher, author, critic, and civil rights activist Barbara Ehrenreich – American feminist, democratic socialist, and political activist Stan Veuger – Economist, American Enterprise Institute This meeting of great minds on the issue of American poverty promises to be enlightening. Watch live at: http://www.aljazeera.com/watch_now/ Saturday July 28, 2012 12:30am PDT/1:30am MDT/2:30am…
Trainer Roster & Schedule – Localize This! 2012 Starts Sunday
Trainer Roster, Schedule Summary & Participant Profile Friends Don’t Let Friends Miss Localize This! Register TODAY for all or part Full Schedule HERE Sunday 7/29: Creative Tactics (climbing, art, etc) and Organizing preview, Long Term Strategy webcast. Monday 7/30: Cultural Competence, Grand Strategy, Campaign Design, NVDA, Art & Creative Tactics, Projection as Protest Tuesday 7/31:…
Step 9 Rethink Democracy
If we really want to restore or Democracy and end corporate corruption, it is time to change the way we think about elections – which are the foundation of our Democracy. The corporate controlled media would like to divide and conquer us by using artificial terms like liberals and conservatives, right versus left and Democrats…
How to make higher education out of reach for middle class students
This article is dedicated to my 12 year old daughter. She is an Honors student at Twin Falls Middle School in North Bend where she will soon be starting the 7th Grade. Her dream (and the dream of many of her classmates) is to graduate from high school in 2018 and go on to college.…
If an Agent Knocks on your door…
Well, the news in Olympia is that the agents came knocking in the last few days. Our free society has generally embraced the political freedom of aligning with either the Republican or the Democratic Party! For those of us that find that range to be a little too tight, you can stray into the fringes…
Dana Walker for State Treasurer!
It’s official. We are running a write-in campaign against Jim McIntire for Washington State Treasurer. I have imposed on my friend Dana Walker to accept the role of running against the previously unopposed Jim McIntire for Washington State Treasurer. Here is what Dana had to say about the write-in campaign: Hi, I am Dana Walker…
Challenge Congress to Pass a Student Debt Jubilee, H.R. 4170
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backbone Campaign is partnering with RootsAction for an online effort to get the word out for a Student Debt Jubilee and free higher education. Today’s action alert featuring our imagery and the policy direction of Backbone Campaign’s Student Debt Jubilee Fellows Kyle McCarthy and Natalia Abrams was sent to over 135,000 people. And yes,…
Justice for Washington Foundation Rates the Judicial Candidates
[Warning: there are indications that Justice for Washington may not be the “bipartisan” group it claims to be. More to follow.] It can be hard to figure out how to cast your votes in the non-partisan judicial races. It’s also hard to figure out if election or appointment is a better way to put a…