Short Term Profits or Long Term Survival?
The science is in. Climate change is happening, and it is caused by human activity. Yet the oil and gas industries continue to use their immense cash reserves to fund the campaigns of politicians who are climate change deniers. There is a perfectly understandable reason for them doing so: it is profitable. Bought-and-paid-for politicians granted…
Corporate Democrats ruin the Democratic brand
I think it is important to distinguish rank and file Democrats from the Corporate Crony Current leaders of the Democratic party. Â These leaders have betrayed rank and file Democrats. My view is that the PEOPLE themselves are the Democratic Party. They are already on our side. FDR Democrats are still there. They simply do not…
Republican hypocrisy about government and taxation
Both apparently from http://www.facebook.com/ThePlatznerPost
How Romney and Bain Capital avoided taxes
Bain Tax Bombshell Bigger than Before
Newsweek admits it doesn't fact check its articles
Newsweek, Niall Ferguson, And The Conservative Echo Chamber “Niall Ferguson’s Newsweek cover story on President Obama exemplifies a deficiency in today’s media. As criticism of Ferguson’s shoddy work mounted — both from outside and inside of Newsweek/The Daily Beast — Newsweek explained to Politico‘s Dylan Byers that Newsweek “rel[ies] on our writers to submit factually…
How can liberals and educated people fight back against religious extremism without seeming intolerant?
Right wing religious folk are interfering in the political process with their superstitious, regressive, dangerous views. Their support for Republicans is destroying the country and possibly our environment, causing disastrous wars, corruption, torture, economic injustice, climate-change denial, attacks on science, attacks on women’s rights, etc, etc. Reasonable people need to fight back. One way to…
Austin's Picks: Is Class Struggle Anarchism
Austin K sent this link along in an email this morning. It’s a couple of years old, but it’s still worth sharing and reading. The links go to interesting websites if you have an open mind about politics, which is to say, that you can imagine political positions that are broader than the republican and…
South King County Progressives Fascist Ass Kick'n Party, Sunday Aug 26th
South King County Progressives Fascist Ass Kick’n Party-Aug 26th South King County Progressives Sunday, August 26, 2012 3:00 PM Kent Library 212 2nd Avenue N Kent, WA 98032 For more info, contact Brian Gunn at gunnbl – at – comcast dot net .
Romney The Drone
Doesn’t Mitt, aka Willard, drone on….?  Maybe, his symbol should be The DRONE! Listen again and tell me what you think.  Willard, after all, has this in common : he flies high, he cloaks his maneuvers, he operates vehicle(s) – safely from afar – that bring ruin to many, he bloviates steadily like a prop engine.…
Austin's Picks: Autonomy Alliance
“It’s a scary time to be involved with radical class struggle. But was it ever any other way?” Austin Kelly suggests you scan this one from LibCom.org: An interview conducted with two members of St Louis libertarian group, Autonomy Alliance. While in St. Louis, I was lucky enough to stay with…