Thom Hartmann on Republican Treason
Thanks to Dave Vicks for pointing me to that video.
Action: Support the Senate's Washington Investment Trust bill
Senator Hasegawa has introduced a bill in the Senate. #5029   The bill has 10 co-sponsors: Chase, Shin, Conway, Rolfes, Darneille, Hargrove, Keiser, Kohl-Welles, Kline and Frockt.  It has been referred to the Financial Institutions & Insurance Committee. There was no hearing date as of today 2/4/13. You can find a copy of the bill here:…
Weapons of Mass Distraction – Freedom of the Press? US Activists and Journalists Face Surveillance
By Mark Taylor-Canfield (From Mark’s Syndicated Monthly Column – “Weapons of Mass Distraction”) Thank you to the editors for allowing me to tell the truth without censorship! Here’s another of my honest efforts to do just that. I only hope this piece doesn’t get me into trouble with my own publishers at other websites and/or…
Should we call gun nuts "gun nuts"?
The minister at my local Unitarian Universalist church said in a sermon that left-leaning folks should stop calling gun-rights advocates names such as “gun nut” and “moron.” She said that it sure is tempting to insult them, but it’s counter-productive. Her words got me thinking. After the sermon, I asked her about it. I said,…
Obama Reportedly Considering Intervention In Syrian Civil War
One reason I supported Rocky Anderson for president on the Justice Party ticket is that he remembers that only congress has the power to declare war. ANDERSON: I think the important issue here is that we went into Libya, joined with our allies, without any authorization from Congress. This is the real long-term question that…
Rep. Adam Smith and military spending
Washington’s Rep. Adam Smith of the 9th Congressional District is the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee. Smith figures prominently in the Jan 28 issue of the The New Yorker, in the article “The Force” about the power and cost of the military-industrial complex and about America’s obsession with violence and militarism. At…
Bill Maher on Obama and on America's obsession with guns and sports
“Mr. President, there are two ways to look at your 51 to 48 percent victory. 1. We love you. 2. We like you 3% more than Mitt Romney.” “But it is now the job of progressives to hold his feet to the fire for causes important to us.” The Liberal Agenda He he he he!…
Thomas Jefferson's opposition to standing armies
“There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army.” –Thomas Jefferson to David Humphreys,…
No sense of citizenship – or shame: Wealthy corporate CEOs want Social Security, Medicare on chopping block
I like to consider myself a sensible guy – someone who can set aside my own self-interest to recognize other people’s need, concerns and desires – particularly when it comes to politics and public policy. But in this case, I’m really struggling to identify with America’s leading CEOs. The Business Roundtable represents 200 of our…
Where’s WA GOP on wage protection?
When you work, you get paid. That’s just common sense. Indeed, if you don’t get paid for your work, you are little better than an indentured servant. And we got rid of that practice, along with slavery, over a 100 years ago. Our laws are quite clear: workers must be paid at least the minimum…